HogHuntingHogs/wild hog hunts ???


Yes that is the place we hunted. I see you were planning on that place as of several months ago, did you hunt there?

We had a fun time there were 8 of us and nobody had ever shot a pig so we had a blast. Shortly after we booked the hunt our leader started talking to many previous clients and heard a lot of poor reviews. One guy in our crew even backed out because he was worried it would suck. We planned ahead a little and took a lot of food with us. He has frozen hamburgers in cellophane wrappers and thats what we were to eat. He was a little shady and never misses an opportunity to tell you to tip and how much. Us northern boys had a fun trip overall but I won't hunt there again. If anyone has a good recommendation to a place in TX or another state nearby please let me know. Dont want someone to push exotics on me just to kill some hogs.

Thhanks for your information. We will be hunting there for a few days in January. I hope we see some pigs. This guy claims to host a bunch of church groups, etc. so I was hoping that might mean he is an honest guy. Of course you never can tell, and unfortunately there are too many shady folks in the hunting business.

So besides the food and the pressure to tip and purchase other hunts, the hunting was good? You saw lots of pigs?
I don't remember him saying anything about church groups. He has a single-wide and it wasnt bad but he was building a nicer lil cabin when we were there in 2005, it was january as well. There are tons of hogs, he has about 300 acres of high fence and then someone else's land that far as we could tell was wide open. We all went out of the fence the first night and didnt see a thing. So the next day we stayed inside and knocked down a ton of hogs. All lil 50-120lbs. Has some bubba kid there to skin em for ya. Dont care how many elk and deer you have dressed, one look at all the fleas and crap on them its worth the 20 bucks or so per pig to have him skin. There are buffalo, axis deer and all sorts of stuff in there, I assume he told you to buy feed corn? get some but not much they dont come into the bait but the exotics do. Take some food with you in case he hasn't scaled up his offerings. Be careful with rifle hunting as there is about 10feet of relief across the whole place. So always shoot at a down angle. He told us that he traps the hogs outside the fence and releases them, but they are sure fun to shoot. those size hogs dont require .06 or 7 rem mag like the rifles we carried. .223 works great, a couple guys dropped some with it and .243 would drop anything we saw in there. I think I saw you were from GFalls so the ranges there will be much shorter than us northerners are used to 50 yards is all you will need unless you go north outside of his fence. Meat ate pretty good, we smoked hams and Tloins then ground rest into breakfast sausage. Any other questions please let me know, I am excited to hear how your hunt goes. I have been wanting to go again.
I don't remember him saying anything about church groups. He has a single-wide and it wasnt bad but he was building a nicer lil cabin when we were there in 2005, it was january as well. There are tons of hogs, he has about 300 acres of high fence and then someone else's land that far as we could tell was wide open. We all went out of the fence the first night and didnt see a thing. So the next day we stayed inside and knocked down a ton of hogs. All lil 50-120lbs. Has some bubba kid there to skin em for ya. Dont care how many elk and deer you have dressed, one look at all the fleas and crap on them its worth the 20 bucks or so per pig to have him skin. There are buffalo, axis deer and all sorts of stuff in there, I assume he told you to buy feed corn? get some but not much they dont come into the bait but the exotics do. Take some food with you in case he hasn't scaled up his offerings. Be careful with rifle hunting as there is about 10feet of relief across the whole place. So always shoot at a down angle. He told us that he traps the hogs outside the fence and releases them, but they are sure fun to shoot. those size hogs dont require .06 or 7 rem mag like the rifles we carried. .223 works great, a couple guys dropped some with it and .243 would drop anything we saw in there. I think I saw you were from GFalls so the ranges there will be much shorter than us northerners are used to 50 yards is all you will need unless you go north outside of his fence. Meat ate pretty good, we smoked hams and Tloins then ground rest into breakfast sausage. Any other questions please let me know, I am excited to hear how your hunt goes. I have been wanting to go again.

I would not follow in this gentleman's footsteps.
For those of you who are not familiar with this area: trespassing is severely frowned upon in Texas. People have been shot for it. Trespassing at night is even more likely to create a situation that you want out of.
Nearly everyone that owns a large section of land here is making some kind of living with it; cattle, leasing to hunters, oil/gas, etc....
Boy aren't we quick to jump to conclusions. You have no idea of the character of my group but assume we are lawbreakers with no regard for property rights? Well our group was made of engineers, eng Techs and surveyors all whom worked together, myself one of the surveyors. Our host pointed us in the direction under the explicit instructions and guidance. According to him, the area was leased to him to hunt. We never left that area nor even flirted with the bounds he gave us. Sure maybe he was lying but then maybe the land he claimed as his wasnt really his. Where do you draw the line? Guess I never went to the courthouse, performed necessary title research, then the boundary survey to ensure I was on the proper land. Guess I had to trust the man hosting us. Up in our neck of the woods, tresspassing is frowned upon too, but down in your parts how do they look upon the judgemental and rude?
No need to get your panties in a wad guy. You said you went out of the fence onto someone else's land, I took that at face value. There was no mention of it being part of the lease in your original post.
As far as the character of your group, it does not matter if you are past (or current) residents of the white house you could be crooks....
You may think I'm judgmental but I really don't care if your group trespasses or if y'all sit around and smell each others farts, I was simply trying to say that I would be very careful tresapassing in the area being discussed. I am not a native Texan, the laws regarding trespassing are significantly different than the rest of the country from what I have seen. People are a little moe empowered here to protect their belongings.

My intent was not to offend, but I guess I hit a nerve.
You are right, I didn't mention it. A reader was to assume I was following the law and/or common decency or I wouldn't have posted it. Our laws are clear too, but your reply at "face value" was a threat of being shot. Implying that I am a dishonest and unlawful hunter did strike a nerve.......And yes if we were past or present white house residents we would be crooks!
I'm not sure about who hunted where, But has anyone hunted at Jeff300's place? Im interested from the videos.
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