Hind Quarter Funk

..I'm had this explained to me by the butcher who possesses most of the PA elk...he said in warm weather, anything above 40 degrees you must get the hide off as fast as possible..the hide does not let it cool off fast enough and will be ruined, must be really insulated..here's some pics he shows that occurred quickly because the hide was not removed..
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Leaving the hide on the animal can't cool! Meat rots against the bone first. You have to get the hide off as soon as possible. How soon is soon...2-3 hours max
Everyone should take you hunting them! They could learn how to skin and quarter an elk in less than half an hour. I know, I've seen you do it! Here is to hoping you got an elk to keep you in practice!
This a few years back, evening.I chunked it up to get air to it, solo.Was getting down to zero.Hiked out many miles in dark.Got next day with my son
Decomposition starts when the animal dies. Cooling the meat is paramount to slow the decomposition process. That means hide removal and butchering ASAP.

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