Help with 7mm Rem load data.

I want to work up a load for the 168 grain Nosler Accubond LR or 168 grain Berger VLD hunting in my 7MM mag. I just need a good place to start. I would like to reuse my brass but will by new brass if needed. At this point I am not set on anything, I just want an effective round for hunting mule deer and elk out to around 600 yards. I will be working up the load this spring and summer but hunting in the fall in Utah can be cold.
Please give me examples of non-temperature sensitive loads that remain accurate out that far.
At the same time I will be working an AR10 6.5 Creedmore out to 1,000 yards (I'll ask for load data on that one once I am done building it). So I will have the opportunity to put the 7mm on steel at ranges up to and beyond 600 yards.
Thanks in advance for your help.
What twist, my 7mm mag is 1-10 shot dime groups at a100 with 168 Berger's, but wouldn't stablze at 300 plus. Retumbo works well for heavies, imr4350 for 140
You won't believe it - this is a 42 year old Remington BDL. I think the barrel is 24" sporter
I want to work up a load for the 168 grain Nosler Accubond LR or 168 grain Berger VLD hunting in my 7MM mag. I just need a good place to start. I would like to reuse my brass but will by new brass if needed. At this point I am not set on anything, I just want an effective round for hunting mule deer and elk out to around 600 yards. I will be working up the load this spring and summer but hunting in the fall in Utah can be cold.
Please give me examples of non-temperature sensitive loads that remain accurate out that far.
At the same time I will be working an AR10 6.5 Creedmore out to 1,000 yards (I'll ask for load data on that one once I am done building it). So I will have the opportunity to put the 7mm on steel at ranges up to and beyond 600 yards.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Dont have 7 mag answer for you but i use the 168 berger in my combo comp/hunting 7 wsm. Basically a ballistic twin of rem. Use it to 1400 yds in comp. Longest hunting shot was 624 yds, on big mule deer, went about 5yds. Have used at 500 plus on multiple big game in africa, nyala, blesbuck, gemsbok. Kudu,x3, sable, roan, and a monster eland at 568. All one shot kills.
Right now I would have to look but I think my primers are Federal large rifle and my cases are 1st and 2nd shot mixed brass and nickel cases from factory loads I have shot in the past. I do have a couple powders but not sure what they are.

Nosler brass, CCI 250's. Off the shelf Rem 700.
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For the 7 Rem Mag, I would use Hodgdon H1000 and Berger 168 HVLD. Here is the Berger Load Data for this combo, Minimum Powder 62.5 grain Maximum Powder 69.5 grain, use a Large Rifle Magnum primer. H1000 has been proven to be very temp stable, easy on your rifle throat and very accurate powder with low ES and SD. I would use the minimum charge and do a seating depth test first, I would start at .020 off lands load 4, load 4 more at .030 off lands, another 4 at .040 off lands, another 4 at .050 off lands and another 4 at .060 off lands. Once you run through those test one or two may pop up with the best group's. Once you find what seating depth your barrel likes, I would move up in the powder charges at .5 grain increments, from the minimum to the maximum, pay attention to the primer and bolt lift, if you start to get a stiff bolt, you need to stop at that point. You will probably find a couple of nodes during this test, it is best to use a Chronograph during the test to see what you are get Since this is a Magnum, do not let the barrel get too hot, let it rest between shots of at minimum of 2 minutes and at least 3 or 4 minutes between each powder load. If the barrel gets too hot, the group will begin to open up or you will start seeing flyer's. Good luck and have fun, remember to take it slow and don't get discouraged if things seem to not be working as you expect. It takes time and attention to details to get everything working to shoot tiny little group's, trigger control and how you mount the r

And to emphasize, do not let your barrel heat up. In warm months, I even run bagged ice up and down the barrel a few times to speed up the process. Blowing 95 degree air through a warm barrel doesn't work very well. And yes, I let it sit after the ice to let the thermal even out so no cold spots. 168 VLDCH and VLDH with H1000 can be super accurate with SDs in single digits. RL16 also gave me great accuracy results but seemed temp sensitive and limited velocity. Still, at 2800 it's nothing to sneeze at.

Check out Cal Zant's Precision Rifle Blog on exactly what you're asking about starting here:

His blogs are just awesome. All data driven.
70.7! Jeez, bring the heat! What are the velocity stats?
Ya, I worked up to 70.7 and got my best groups. No pressure signs. Labradar keeps showing right at 2892. Critters up to 755 and steel to 1200. Nosler book shows conflicting info to what I am seeing for velocities
I want to work up a load for the 168 grain Nosler Accubond LR or 168 grain Berger VLD hunting in my 7MM mag. I just need a good place to start. I would like to reuse my brass but will by new brass if needed. At this point I am not set on anything, I just want an effective round for hunting mule deer and elk out to around 600 yards. I will be working up the load this spring and summer but hunting in the fall in Utah can be cold.
Please give me examples of non-temperature sensitive loads that remain accurate out that far.
At the same time I will be working an AR10 6.5 Creedmore out to 1,000 yards (I'll ask for load data on that one once I am done building it). So I will have the opportunity to put the 7mm on steel at ranges up to and beyond 600 yards.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Retumbo 96.2 gr, 160 gr Nosler accubond, 2924 FPS, SD 10.4


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My pet load with a 27 inch barrel. I don't have the chrono data in front of me but over 3,000fps and under .5 Moa.

ADG brass
67.5 grains of H1000
168 berger vld
roughly .030 from lands
I am right here too. Load developed in TX, shoots well in WI in late November.
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