Help with .243 situation

Thanks for the tips Johnny. I have a light tactical medalist stock on the way, also timney trigger. I am reloading various tipped bullets. Hopefully those upgrades will get it straightened out. The super long throat still bothers me, but maybe not an issue.

If none of that works I'll decide whether to rebarrel or just get rid of gun and start over with a different factory gun.
You have a warranty if you bought it through a factory authorized dealer so before you go too far, I'd just bed it, torque it all up, then try some different loads.

If you do too much tweaking on it you can end up voiding that warranty and that's a lot of money to throw away.
I've got the same gun and mine has a long throat also. I was able to use 95 berger hunting hybrids with great results. These bullets have a very long bearing surface and stabilize plenty good. 39.8 grains of imr 4350 .020 off the lands stacks them very close together.
I've got the same gun and mine has a long throat also. I was able to use 95 berger hunting hybrids with great results. These bullets have a very long bearing surface and stabilize plenty good. 39.8 grains of imr 4350 .020 off the lands stacks them very close together.

Thanks, that's the type of specific info I was hoping for. I was worried about the extra long throat being a defect, but it seems this is standard for remington now. I'll try the 95 gr Bergers.
Just make sure to get the hunting hybrid and not the vld. The Vld's were waay to long to function through the mag when touching the lands. They almost were out of the case.
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