help please...!!!

i like the aim small miss small theory. I like to aim at specific spots on the animal like a dark spot or light spot and take the necessary time to squeeze one off.
Soundwaves you mentioned "l some how have to get rid of this fustration and anger building up inside of me" Don't mean to come off as lecturing but, you sought some advice here and have been given some very good advice....So far it doesn't sound like you've eternalized any of fact it's building up. For your own good and sanity I would suggest you take to heart what some folks have said...none of us like or want to see you going through this...we, at least I feel for you...been there. Now settle down man otherwise it may get worse. Think of it in these terms, what sport person at the top of their game do you know of that got there magic touch back while in a state of fustration and anger. Personally when I get ****ed, my shooting, golf, woodworking, you name it goes to crap. Again, not meaning to lecture but don't want to see you do this to yourself. Take care.
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