Help identifying 30-06 IMP rifle

I'm assuming if done correctly a 30-06AI would still safely fire 30-06? Or would I still be in a similar situation? Is there any danger to running 300wm in a 1903? It's a fairly light handy rifle so 300wm wouldn't be as much fun on me but oh well.
The Ackley design is intended to fire factory 30-06 rounds so yes it will fire factory ammo. I think your problems are based on it not being a standard Ackley chamber.
If the serial number is over 800,000 there is no problem with a 300 win mag In a 1903 Springfield. Some of the lower serial number rifles had poor heat treating and the actions were made brittle. A handful of those pre 800,000 rifles exploded. I had one and never had a problem with it but I never shot any hotrod ammo in it.
The Ackley design is intended to fire factory 30-06 rounds so yes it will fire factory ammo. I think your problems are based on it not being a standard Ackley chamber.
I fired my Mashburn rifle for many years by only neck sizing and trimming the cases. Once you fire a 30-06 round in your rifle the case will be formed to the chamber so you just need to use a die that will not set the should back or reduce the diameter of the case body. If you are shooting standard 30-06 loads after the cases have been fire formed the cases should last well but always watch for a second shiny ring about a quarter inch in front of the case web. I'm not talking about the normal ring where the case web turns into the body of the case but a second shiny ring about a quarter inch in front of the web.

Go to Google and type in Mashburn Arms Company brands and you will see a rifle that is very similar to yours.
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We had a mystery rifle. If was a nicely done O3-A3 of the day. We were uncertain of the exact 25-06 was the rifle chambered. We shipped cases off to RCBS for dies. Back came dies for the 25-06 Mashburn improved. Could your cartridge be a 30-06 Mashburn?
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