30-06 Need help

I was able to get consistent sub-MOA groups with a 54 gr charge of IMR4350 and the 180 Accubonds. It's not blistering fast, but it should work great for him.

On another note, I have never been able to get RL22 to work in any of the guns I've tried it in. I must have bad luck.

Thanks for all of the advice and recommendations.
If you have the 200 gr Accubonds you owe it to yourself to try my favorite load


I originally found his load when I had a lightweight Sauer that would not shoot that well. This was the best load for that rifle. Since then I have tried it in 8 other 30-06's and they all love it.

You must use Fed215 primers though.

You should start lower around 59.5 gr and work up. It will shoot well between 60 and 61 gr RL22 and get between 2650 and 2700 fps which is adequate for Elk. The 200 gr Accubond has a high BC and will begin to catch up to the lighter bullets at the longer ranges.
THAT is a great group. have you tried 200 grain accubond or 200 grain partition and re-17??
It is a 24" Steyr. At least I think it is 24". Next time it comes out of the safe I'll measure it. It might be 23.6" like the Pro Hunter.
small world. the rifle im tuning the load for is a .30-06 steyr SBS in 20". probably its a primer issue, so will try a hotter magnum fed primer. Not too many Steyr rifles out there.
BUCKBRUSH- i have great success with re-22 in 3 different 7mm rem and more 300 win. i used my 30-06 to kill my last elk. i used factory federal high energy 180 partitions . you may want to check the scope and mounts and make sure nothing is loose. 2 1/2 is pretty big. handloading i would use a 180 or 200 accubond and either h4350 or re-17.
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