Hello from Gilroy, CA

I would recommend a 22 air rifle. Some of the new stuff is incredibly functional for pest control.
Something like this?

Hello everyone. We have no experience with firearms, and I am hoping to get some tips on getting rid of the two foxes that are eating our chickens.

I look forward to hearing what you all have to say!

Welcome to the LRH Forum from GA.
If we lived closer Jill and I would get rid of the Foxes for a chicken dinner!
This is the BEST Forum on LR Hunting, Reloading and GS for information and discussion.
The most important part of this Forum are the people!!! A lot of GREAT members and a wealth of information. Can't meet a better bunch of Gals and Guys!!!!
We look forward to your participation and sharing your knowledge with the group.

If we can help in any way let us Gals and Guys know.
Len & Jill
Welcome to the LRH Forum from GA.
If we lived closer Jill and I would get rid of the Foxes for a chicken dinner!
This is the BEST Forum on LR Hunting, Reloading and GS for information and discussion.
The most important part of this Forum are the people!!! A lot of GREAT members and a wealth of information. Can't meet a better bunch of Gals and Guys!!!!
We look forward to your participation and sharing your knowledge with the group.

If we can help in any way let us Gals and Guys know.
Len & Jill
Being from the land of chicken farms, we know a thing or two about keeping chickens alive. Welcome to the forum, you will not find a better group of people to answer your questions!
Welcome from central Arizona. Great shooting pellet rifle in 22 cal or a handy 22 rimfire should do it. Do lots of practice at the distances you're typically seeing them. Check your local regulations on shooting and have at it.

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