Height of rings for a SHV 4-14x56mm?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2012
I am looking at getting Burris tactical 6 screw rings to mount a Night Force SHV 4-14X56mm scope on a Remington 700 with a Sendaro contour barrel and a 20 moa base. What height (Low, medium, high...) do I need? I read in a review that the low rings are about .250" from the top of the base to the bottom of the tube, mediums are .500" and the highs are .750". I would measure it my self but I don't have the base yet and I want to get the rings ordered. Thanks in advance.
A NF 20 MOA base and low rings (.885") clear my NXS 3.5-15X50 scope by about 1/4" on a #4 or 5 contour barrel. (savage fluted bull barrel) The closest point of contact is between the objective bell and the front edge of the base; ~1/8". For your 56mm objective I'd get the medium rings. (1.000")
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