Hearing Protection for Hunting


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2004

Anybody have these? How do they work? What is the potential they will be acceptably clear enough to hunt with given wind, rain, etc that occurs in the real world?

If not those, what else. I have some Walkers that are marginal at best. Wind is annoying. Bluetooth is hit and miss.
I just bought a set of Axil bluetooth, rechargeable ear plugs. They worked better than expected. They have 3 levels of amplification, or you can leave them on silent. The bluetooth will connect to your phone so that you can listen to music or pick up your calls, all while enjoying protection from gun blasts.

Early in the morning while I waited for the sun to rise, I listened to the morning news or caught a little music. It sure made the wait more pleasant.

The units are fairly small and the tiny case they fit into will recharge them a few times before the case needs to be recharged. The price was reasonable and maybe there is a Black Friday deal. They are definitely worth a look.
I have the axil with the cord. They have foam windsock over the mic. Works good unless it's very windy. It has 5 levels of sound amplification. I think they are running a sale now.
Here you go OP. None of these China made ear pros will compare to things like Peltor and the likes. They just don't have the digital technology for the same type of amplification and sound filtering.
Not what the Op asked, but I bought the Otto a few years ago. Go them from Brownells so hopefully I will never need another pair.
Otto Hearing Protection
I have these (Noizebarrier Micro). I have been using them for three years and really like them. They are "all-day" comfortable, and block out the blast of my braked .340 Weatherby. They have two settings, normal and enhanced. With the enhanced I can hear my guide when he whispers to me. They come in their own recharging case, smaller than a pack of cigarettes. After wearing the ear buds, you put them into the case which automatically recharges them. The case will fully recharge the earbuds about 20 times before it has to be recharged with a USB charger.
I had a minor problem with one of them 2 years ago, and CS was perfect. I returned both ear buds to them and they replaced both with no hassle. CS reps are english speaking professionals that take great care of you. They offer Veteran and First Responder discounts. They come with silicone and foam ear pieces depending on which you prefer.
Tagging for some answers. Had to shoot my smokeless muzzleloader with a brake this year because i didnthave time to put in ear pro before the shot. I can't take that again!!
I've had the Noise Barriers (Otto) for maybe 8 years. I bought a second set last year because the battery life on the first set reduced to about 6 hours before needing a recharge from the case. I use them for bird hunting and big game hunting. Changed out the ear pieces for Skull screws and they stay in fine all day. At the range I also use muffs with the magnums but not necessary for single shot hunting with the magnums. For suppressed weapons just the Otto's work fine at the range if nobody else is shooting big stuff.

They're not cheap but hearing birds flush or people talk clearly while maintaining hearing protection is what I wanted.
Another vote for the Otto's for normal "everyday type shooting". When on a firing line with 50-100 guns going off at once I like to use the Sordin Supreme over the top.