I am with everyone on going with the faster twist. With the yardage that the OP has given that appears to be 600y max there is no reason to go with the big heavy, slow MV, short point blank range, slower impact vel, less shock on impact. I could go on... All of the wsm cartridges mentioned will do what the OP wants with good bullets running in the low to mid 3000's mv. And do it with more ease of making the shot with better terminal performance. All the talk about big heavy bullets, particularly in the wsm factory rifle, cause case capacity and magazine feeding problems.
The big heavies simply do not do anything better until ~1000y and beyond. They might give you a 2" wind advantage at 800y but suffer everywhere else. Impact vel is a better comparison than energy when using a quality bullet. Energy is an arbitrary figure good for comparing different cartridges around the campfire. If the task is beyond 1000y then the big heavies win. But only after 1000y.
With all that said larger caliber bullets offer better terminal performance. There is no replacement for displacement. 7wsm with 140g to 150g bullets with non disintegrating projectiles would be my choice for this OP.