We all worked together when I was in . We would often have special names for the different branches but in the end we all worked together . I don't know how it is today but suspect it's the same or better in that respect . I still love the sound of a Huey , a C-130 and , fast movers whistle as it comes in . All of the branches have a reason for them being in existence with their different sub-divisions God bless them all and keep watch over them as they go about their business of being an over watch for the rest of us as we go about our daily lives !
The Sailors on Subs are the top in my book. Spent many months on surface ships and only a few weeks in Subs.
The NAVY Rocks! I was part of the Navy in the Marines. We had our differences but were Brothers and always took care of each other!
God Bless America!!!
My room mate in BE&E school was a jarhead, as we so affectionately referred to the Marines back then. (No disrespect intended) We had two fly boys and a puddle pirate that all ran around together. We were room mates for about 9 months in Great Lakes while attending classes. He was like a brother to me after that nine months and we stayed in touch for years afterwards. We were all there for the same purpose, to protect the land we love. Have a great day Coyote Shadow Tracker.

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