Handgun kill video

Great shot on a monster doe! Did you use the truck window or truck hood you're standing by to steady that big pistola, LOL!

First of all, I find your 'monster doe' comment demeaning. We're going to try filming our buck hunts in the future, but quite frankly, does are much easier.

Second of all, he didn't use the window or the hood as a rest. Good try though. Can you think of anything else to nit-pick about?
You Basin boys really have to back each other up don't you, LOL! Yep, it was demeaning, just like shooting that animal while standing at the vehicle. Real hunters, LOL! I'm glad you at least made a correct statement about does being easier. I guess so when one allows you to drive up in a PU and get out to shoot it like that video showed. Then you're dumb enough to put it out on youtube for all the world to see---not too smart!!! Haven't you wondered why nobody has come on this thread out of all the views it's had with anything positive to say about that video? I suggest you both go back to the drawing board and don't post anything if you don't want to know others opinions of your methods that might differ from yours!!! I really think you should change your name to "Team Behind The Eight Ball"!
Topgun, I am not going to sit here and argue with you. I feel its unfair and unbecoming of me to argue with someone who is intellectually unarmed such as yourself. So consider this the end of the debate. You don't like me, I don't like you enough said. We are not children. That being said here are the facts: I shot the antelope off hand, standing next to the truck, I was wearing orange and I had a tag. Perfectly legal. End Of Story!
You Basin boys really have to back each other up don't you, LOL! Yep, it was demeaning, just like shooting that animal while standing at the vehicle. Real hunters, LOL! I'm glad you at least made a correct statement about does being easier. I guess so when one allows you to drive up in a PU and get out to shoot it like that video showed. Then you're dumb enough to put it out on youtube for all the world to see---not too smart!!! Haven't you wondered why nobody has come on this thread out of all the views it's had with anything positive to say about that video? I suggest you both go back to the drawing board and don't post anything if you don't want to know others opinions of your methods that might differ from yours!!! I really think you should change your name to "Team Behind The Eight Ball"!

Did he break a law?

Isn't it part of this forums rules to not jump on people based on your definition of ethics?

This is why its been a month since I stopped in...
Intellectually unarmed, LOL! I'll repeat again and maybe you'll eventually get the message. 119 views on this thread that YOU started and not ONE positive comment to you or about the video. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out buddy!!! Like I said before, go back to the drawing board and quit shooting stuff out of your PU or right next to your vehicle. It isn't hunting and it's not helping your standing on this site when you put crap like that out on youtube for everyone to see!!! So you carry a big *** handgun! Maybe the size of it is making up for some other shortcoming, LOL!!!

Zuba---How do I know whether he broke a law on this particular one? That's why I asked the question in that short post. I have no idea if he's on a highway or in a farmer's field. I do know that he and his buddy have openly stated on this website that they violate the law shooting coyotes from their vehicle while on the highway and think nothing of it! That isn't jumping on someone for a difference in ethics. It's stating that the two of them are self admitted violators of the law and I'll speak out every time when it involves my passion of hunting. Sorry if you don't agree!!!
Zumba, dont let the simpletons that sometimes come to the site scare you away. you are always welcome here and by far the vast majority of people on here are very polite and helpfull. so Stick around!
Great post!! Now a self-admitted violator of a game law is calling people simpletons for calling him out. Like I said, you're the one that needs to rethink what he's doing and posting things that to many people is a detriment to the hunting/shooting sports! If people agree with what you're doing, then let them come on this thread and voice their support for you. I doubt there will be an outpouring of positive comments when there hasn't been but ONE yet out of over 120 views!!!

PS To Zuba: This is the same guy who got into my chit a couple weeks ago for trying to help a member on an antelope question and the guy was told not to listen to me because I didn't live in Wyoming like he does, LOL!
Jeepers, would you just relax already? You're acting as if we're felons or something.

Mike and I were driving around on my family's farm. Mike had a doe tag. It was doe season. We happened to find a doe. Mike got out of the truck and shot the doe with a pistol while I recorded it.

Save the drama for your mama!
Topgun you need to take a breath and relax. I think the video was great. Are you the cyber police? I come here for knowledge and not to hear bitching. Is there a moderator on this forum? This forum is loosing clout. people calling others out for the way they hunt. If you don't agree with it then dont watch it. I have never seen one picture of you or hunting pictures. Share some of your stories and pics..
Sorry, but I'm an old timer and don't like to see anything that is put out on the airwaves that could do anything to detract from the sport that I love so dearly. As you know, it all started with the deal where Mike stated out on these forums that you guys shot coyotes right off the highway even though it's illegal and didn't see anything wrong with it. That didn't set right with me. Then before I headed out to the basin on a 6 week trip in Wyoming last Fall I sent Mike a nice PM and asked if we could get together over lunch or whatever and talk things out. That request was met with dead silence and I didn't press it. Then recently on this Forum all I tried to do was add what I felt were some helpful comments on a thread where a guy was asking for help hunting antlelope and Mike responded with a very nasty post telling the guy not to listen to me because I didn't live in Wyoming like you guys do. That more than ticked me off and the thread was almost axed over our dickering. Now this video came up and I readily admit that I was not happy with what I saw! I'll lay off if you guys will do the same and just think a little bit before you put up stuff. We are facing enough problems with the antis than to give them more ammunition against us and that was why I responded to the OP like I did. Peace everyone and I think if we could ever meet out there sometime you will find that I'm a nice guy that is just trying to protect us all from the antis! Have a good day!!!
Here's a picture of my 4x4 taken last Fall, , a 6x7 that I helped a friend take last Fall, a 357 3/8" 6x6 I helped my best buddy take in 2010 and the Shiras I helped him take in Idaho on a OIL hunt. All were backpacked out of the backcountry from 1 1/2 to 3 miles from our camps! I don't just talk the talk!!!


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The name of this thread is "Handgun kill video", not "Why I Hate Tikkamike".

This thread has nothing to do with your history with Mike.

I've watched the video several times and still don't see a problem with it. If you don't like it, that's fine. Just don't post immature, demeaning comments; it's unnecessary.

If you really do have a problem with the video, send me a pm. That way, we can sort it out in private and this thread won't be cluttered with a bunch of bologna.
Warning! This thread is more than 13 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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