Handgun kill video

So much for trying to make peace I guess! Your true colors just came out when I offered an explanation and attempted a peaceful ending to this thread and situation. One last question---Are you his talking puppet as it seems like you jump in every time when it's not called for?

PS: We're closing in on 200 views and there have only been two positive posts in your favor. That tells me something, but I guess you can't comprehend much of anything. Give it a break!!!
I'm starting to think you just really enjoy arguing.

Like I said, send me a private message if there's an issue.
I tried to peacefully end the thread this afternoon and you just keep coming back shooting your mouth off. Quit posting and this thread will go away! I don't need to send you a PM when I've told you right out on this thread the problem I have with both of you! Hey, you're now up to 240 views and you've still got a total of TWO comments in your favor!!! Looks like you're losing the battle here!
Stop acting as if you're the victim here. You were the one that started all this and you still won't let it go.
**** man! I let it go this afternoon and you just keep coming back with more posts. Just quit posting on the thread and I told you it's over as far as I'm concerned!
Warning! This thread is more than 14 years ago old.
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