Story.. then the question:
So a few years ago i ordered some 284 Cal-143g Hammer Hunter to try on my 7mm Mag
they worked tremendously, and very accurate!
So while deer hunting in VA i shot 3 bucks.
Hiwever each one ran like it was NOT hit. Tracked but no blood trail… nothing.
In the spring while working on stands and trapsing through woods… we found each of them!
I sooo hate to do this.
Also on TX i shot a large 10 point.. same thing. No blood!
However just as i was giving up searxh thinking i missed..i saw one drop of blood on the underside of a leaf
Way back in thicket was the deer. One small perfectly placed shot, no exit.
I have since switched back to Nosler 168 AccuBond Long Range.. and no issues and great accuracy. Long and short range
I still have about 150 loaded Hammers.
Now the question after the story: headed to MT this year elk hunting again in Sept. what can i expect if i decided to use the hammers?
Or stick with accubonds
I killed a bull in 2021 with 143 HH in a 280AI that I had to rake diagonally as he was walking away. 32" of penetration, not a drop of blood, but he didn't make it 80 yds and piled up. I doubt anything expanding, even Acubonds, would have done as well from that angle. I would have never taken the shot with anything like an EXD-x.
I killed a whitetail buck this year with the 143 HH. Normally I would have used ABLRs or ELDxs, but I wanted to see what the HHs would do. High shoulder broadside double lung at 180 yds with MASSIVE blood trail, but ran nearly 150 yds. Easy tracking though. The bullet hit a rib on the entrance which contributed to the relatively large exit wound. I think this was anomaly, I was fully expecting no traceable blood.
My daughter primarily hunts with a 6.5 Grendel using 123 ELD-M (only thing we could find at the time). The last 4 whitetail she shot were all high lung broadside. 2 dropped in their tracks, 2 ran less than 50 yds. Only one had an exit wound but no trackable blood on any of them.
She shot a Gemsbuck in Africa last summer with a 270 at 200 yds using Federal fusion 150 bonded soft points. Absolutely destroyed the shoulder, but only a few small fragments made it into the lungs. We had to back out and shoot it again the next day. Almost no blood, we tracked the drag marks from it's broken leg. She also shot a Kudu with the same gun at 400 yds in the low shoulder that passed through and gave a good blood trail.
My opinion based on what I've experienced, what matters most is what you hit internally with bullet and bone fragments. There's not any one bullet type that's going to perform "perfectly" in all situations.
I personally prefer mono-metals in big game like elk due to the superior penetration, knowing that blood trails are probably not going to happen. I practice making the best 1st shot I can on the shoulder or raking through the vitals, then following it up with whatever else I can hit until it's down. I'd rather lose a little more meat than the entire animal. This was reinforced for me in Africa last year. I was using a 30-06 with 150g Vipers, (almost identical to the Hammers). I killed a Zebra, Blesbok, ostrich, and Springbok with it. All bled very little, except the Springbuck, but none of them needed to be tracked. The springbok had a big hole that bled because they are small and I shot it at 40 yds.
I prefer controlled expansion bullets for whitetail sized game. I also shot an Impala in Africa at 300 with the 270 mentioned above. Broadside on the shoulder, dropped in its tracks.
My $.02.