Gday hespco
This is where you & I look differently on things & preformance as a base
Now I'm the first to put up my hand & say that is a great result if any one needs to hear it louder a GREAT RESULT yep
Yes I'm not doubting this @ all but with the utmost respect we learn only a couple of things from your results & a example is that @ that impact & resistance it did a wonderful job & penertration length would be known even if you didn't measure it can be estimated within a bulls roar & so on
Yep no worries if that is what people do or if the company in this case badlands takes that information & puts it out that that is how our pills work they are also of the mindset a dead elk all good
Just watch that company if they take that attitude when I know for a fact that nothing goes like that %100 of the time but I don't say we'll that's a 1 off when it goes pear shape I want to know why it has & not all the time but with a pretty high success rate I do find out why yet still a lot I don't know or why but I'm no guru just been told I'm extremely good @ what I do yes I've been told I'm the best many have seen ( nw hunter guess that's my pi—ing match
) but I step away from that & say I do no a couple better & that is honest so my little brother also one the match
Yes now enter my world & how anal I am
I don't dismiss the great results like yours it's the less than ideal result I concentrate on NOT to cause conflict it's to raise the bar of what we will hopefully get tomorrow & when I can replicate it over &over it becomes a little clearer well to me
Part of this involves a metal detector , tape measuring equipment , straight rods & data sheets to name my main kit
Then I go to work disecting & putting this information together that over the many years I have built a extremely valuable data base of where a pill has strengths & weaknesses & this I have only shared with a few that I have sounded out from discussions prior to releasing snippets
I'm sorry to do this but I've been burnt bad by misreading my information instead of asking for clarification as I have trouble expressing what I put on paper with clarity but talk I'm all for it as it flows way better for me
& I'm so sorry to do this but that's me
So we enter this world of the badlands 125 gr pill vrs say the 137 hh as a classic to explain the reason why I do what I do
On the face value no difference
get that
Now let's get the real bad part out of the way first
The hammer yep it was absolutely destined to fail big big time
& I don't hide behind when I state something I will show it with clarity & my clarity is critter after critter & while not elk it's still applies to them imo
So Steve & I had words & I remember his well " I'll go & shoot a elk & we will see " my response go get yourself a bloodhound to track the darn thing
He never got the chance because I showed repeatedly where it would fail
Not gel in real life yep tough critters to soft critters & the picture became pretty clear i think for Steve hmm maybe this D I k might be onto something he may have thought & a few designs were cut & sent to me I think first batch was 500 pills which I paid for as I don't want anything for nothing
This pill was way better & would take a elk without any worries but first time I'd seen Steve take hold of that bull & spun up another slightly different again
Hmmm testing again hey presto we now have the 137 we have today ( I call it the 138 for my peanut brain to remember)
Yes I called him out on a public forum so I won't hide behind oh the will be ok when I know it won't done the same with apex & badlands
Now today I have seen both Steve & Brian take it to the next level to get a even greater pill to market hence the delay in releasing their prototype as that is me holding things up as I've been waiting nearly a month for my 5 different versions to arrive can't remember how many but I think 350 is the number & what critters I use them on will take no more than 2 to 3 days to use & gather the data for release & this data won't be when it goes good it's trying to find the weakness that it can then be improved on not saying it will never fail but chances are way less than if Steve took the attitude of the old 137 will kill so all good yep he's past even the new 137 now
Yes if Steve had of stuck his head in the sand & not asked why & dismissed my concerns I would have walked
I've got no skin in anyone's business just love doing what I do
Now I've not only done this with hammers I've done that with apex yet everyone else who tested that design couldn't get close to what I did in less than a box yet it was there they just couldn't see the wood in the trees but once again mark took on board & he has made adjustments for the benefit of all
Now I'll stop on companies who I've helped see what they claim is incorrect but it's a couple more
I've tried the same with badlands & yet I've been met with a different approach which is cool as I'm nothing important but I do know where their pills have a bad weakness just like the old 137 hammer but I am just sitting back till the penny drop moment comes yes it will & I believe Steve will no why it will also & why I suggested they give ea other the heads up on certain things
But solely upto them
No offence intended & the badlands will serve a lot of people well but I know what I will recommend
Hope it's not to abrasive as not my intention just trying to raise the bar & it will be what it will be