H1000 being stocked

The 8#'s were already out of stock when I ordered last week so I ordered the 1#'s and it showed up in different lots.... I guess at least I have some now.
Wondered if they'd be in the same lot or not. If you have a Magneto it'll probably take 5 rounds or less to determine relative burn rate. I usually plan ahead and run a small sample before I run out of the can I'm currently using so when it's finished I know how to continue.
My local shooting supply received over 100 one pound cans of same lot H1000 yesterday. I received an e-mail from them. Called and ordered enough to restock. Picking it up today. They got in Retumbo as well. I really like to buy local. Had enough to last till shop received some and good to go.
36D661FE-A019-4483-9737-001C57A05C79.jpeg Picked my order today and was told there would be no more till early summer per Hodgdon.
Why not if you can get enough for the year all the same lot adjust your load once and not worry for the rest of the year
No, I shoot that powder in 7 of my large caliber rifles. I use a ton of retumbo and 4350 and reloaded 26 as well. Some of us shoot 4_5 times a week every week not just weekend warrior's
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