Groove Bullet



A while back the groove bullet company gave a bunch of bullets to guys to test at LR. Any of you guys got results? Who has taken game with them and how well did they work?
I believe CrowMag, Darryl and Boyd got some. Last I read, Boyd was waiting on the weather in order to test. All I know...
Oh, Okay, thanks.

I hope the results are good, it'd be nice to have a good accurate tough bullet to try, some places I hunt the folks get a little peaved about my using "match" bullets (critters don't seem to care one way or the other).
I have not taken any game with the Groove Bullets but shot some at 1000 yards with good results. I am going to shoot some in my HG at the first match in Iowa to see how they will shoot in competition.


Crow Mag
Crow mag

I don't see a listing for the 6.5mm Groove Bullet at the groove website, is there a better listing of available Groove bullets somewhere else??

I do see a listing for a 375 bullet and that has me interested, long range 375 gun (I've got a sickness
, need more guns illness).

Any word on how these bullets perform with differing type rifling and/or barrel manufacturers. I have some polygonal rifled barrels and of course some conventional rifling and in the past have had trouble with monometal bullets in polygonal.

The 6.5's aren't in production yet but we have been proding Don. He is trying to get an inventory of what he offers already and then he is gonna do the 6.5's. They were suppose to be out by now but am not sure when they will.
boyd told me he tried the 30's, i think they were a 188.said his 11 twist wouldn't stabilize them.he's gonna try the next batch in the 9.

harv, am i reading this right or do i need a new monitor? i can almost hear that 270 of yours beggin for some groovies!
I am always looking for a reason to put some holes in paper. The 113g groove would fly a little faster than the 130-140g SST I am using now. The BC of .433 is not too bad but the SST is .460 in 130g and .495 in 140g. The heavy bullet with high BC will do better at LR. $75 US for 100 plus shipping to Canada just doesn't seem worth it to me. I can pick up 100 SST for under $30 CDN and they have worked very well for me. Untill I hear some good results on game at LR I wont try them.
The Groove 375 bullets look to be a good hunting bullet(BIG hollow point)

750gAmax(50cal),270g Groove,260g Nosler,250g Barns and a 140Amax(6.5cal)
I doubt they will be better than the 260Nos for long range.This is just therory though as I have not actualy put any down range yet.The bigest advantage I see for the Groove bullet is that like the Barns it will be able to handle higher velosity(unless it strippes the grooves).The 260NOS disinegrates somewhare around 3950fps.Have talkt to Groove as well as GS about a 375 that will fly longrange but the demand is small and they are both busy.

[ 03-27-2004: Message edited by: Mach V ]
Holy smokes does that .375 have a hollow point! Looks like a .308 165gr SGK HP!

Anyone know the length for the 188gr bullet Boyd had trouble with? I really wonder if it had anything to do with stabilization myself. You have to consider he's shooting 210 JLK's and Berger's at 2800 fps in that 300 WSM and they work fine. Hmmmm....
Don sent me some 7mm 135s to try. I'm waiting for the weather to settle down too so I can fling them at 1,000. BUT, at 100 I shot two three shot groups in load development: the big one was in the .3s, & the little one was .065".

This was from a 7mmRUM, 30" Krieger 1:9", 5010 pulldown powder seated .015" off the lands.
Looks like the word is out on the 30 caliber bullets I sent to Boyd. I was hoping it wouldn't until tests were completed.

This particular bullet is one I wanted "tried". It is strictly experimental at this point. I didn't think a 1 in 11 would stabilize it. Boyd has informed me that this is the case. This 30 caliber bullet doesn't look anything like the LR type bullets others have received.

Most of the people I sent LR Type Groove Bullets to have not reported back since I got them out in the winter. Who wants to load develop and shoot in a snow storm, I sure don't and I don't expect the people who I sent the bullets to either.

Of the reports that I have received, the worst groups, so far, at 100 yards, has been just under 1/2" and that was with another experimental bullet - 10.2mm ELR.

The 10.2mm ELR is 369gr and is being developed as a 1500 plus yard bullet. Time will tell if it is worth while or will end up in the scrap bin.

Whats the old saying: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

We have fully tested the 6mm EXP and 6.5mm EXP as well as the 35 EXP, 375 MI and 416 MI. These calibers and types are ready for production. As soon as we get enough in stock we will be introducing them to the public. Right now we are building stock for the bullets we have listed on the web site.

The 272gr, 375 Caliber EXP that is on the web site was going to be scrapped out until a few people asked to try them. I sent them out for FREE. They have to be loaded quite a ways off the lands to fit in the magazine when loaded. This is why I was going to discontinue them. Of the people that received the FREE ones, have informed me that even loaded way off the lands they still shot very well so I have decided to leave them on the market. I will be coming out with a different 375 caliber EXP in the future. It will be shorter in length and will fit in most magazines after being loaded and get close to the lands.

It is all a work in progress. What I don't want to do is run into the same problem a few others have run into. That being, not having stock to send out. This is why I have yet to put additional bullets on the web site for sale.

Shaky, send me something for the 280AI. Barrel is a 1:10 twist #5 Hart. I for one aint scared to stretch her out. How do these groove things compare to the x bullet for on game performance? As of right now I use the x bullet exclusively but if there is something better, I am not afraid to try it. My long range may be short to some but I prefer to stay in the boundaries of one shot kills. 500 is pretty much my max. But if a shot at the right animal presented itself and I had a solid rest, lead or should I say copper is gonna fly.
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