Grayboe or AG Composite stock

Have not used a Greyboe but that will change later this year. I love my AG composite. Stock feels great and performs just as well. Can't speak on figment because my smith bedded the rifle to the stock and it had been perfect since I got it.


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I don't currently own ether one but after using both on friends rifles I'd go ag without a doubt. In fact I'm looking for a adjustable alpine right now for a build In the plans.
I build quite a few rifles , and AG is my go to. I have a display with all they offer on my shop, so folks can feel the grip angle and forend shape. A lot of my customers love em once they get it . However grayboe is nice as well .
I build quite a few rifles , and AG is my go to. I have a display with all they offer on my shop, so folks can feel the grip angle and forend shape. A lot of my customers love em once they get it . However grayboe is nice as well .
Thank you for the feedback, I may order from both companies, what I like a lot with the AG is about 1lb 4oz lighter on the adjustable stock.
I have a renegade. it's pretty heavy at 4 lbs
Our local cal ranch store had both the bergara ridgeback, and an xpr renegade. Both very heavy. I'd prefer the gladius, if I could redo it
I have a renegade. it's pretty heavy at 4 lbs
Our local cal ranch store had both the bergara ridgeback, and an xpr renegade. Both very heavy. I'd prefer the gladius, if I could redo it
Thank you for your input, I noticed the AG are about 1lb. 4oz lighter than the Grayboe adjustable.
My R700 is getting the full treatment at the 'smith right now, and I messed around with a lot of stocks in the shop, some on built rifles and some without actions. I didn't get to shoot any of them, but I spent enough time on them I don't think it would have changed my purchase. At the start, I was torn between the AG Alpine, the Grayboe Phoenix, and the Mesa Altitude.

I can tell you they're all amazing feeling stocks, and you really wouldn't be disappointed with the quality of either brand you're considering.

If weight is an issue, look at the Grayboe Phoenix, not the Ridgeback. It's only 32 oz and it is super nice. For reference, the AG Adj Hunter is 40oz.
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