Good Ole Hoppes

Sir have you ever read the ingredients on hoppes number nine there is a thing called ammonium hydroxide and I am pretty sure that is Ammonia been using for 50 years to clean and remove carbon and copper been shooting bench rest for 40 of the 50 You all have a good day
If you want your bluing to come off quick, get yourself some Orange Oil!
My custom Ruger M77 MK II in 25-05, fancy wood, pillar/action bedded and Timney trigger, has had the muzzle, an inch or so down form the muzzle on the barrel, the rear of the action, cocking piece and end of firing pin assembly completely void of any bluing cuz I was stripping other actions and barrels and put the tin of orange oil stripper in my box on my truck and the 25-06 in it's bag in as leaked and ended up on those spots listed.
From a distance it almost looks like colour case hardening in those areas. Hahaha.
I will get around to re-bluing it one day, but I'm using it so often normally, could've done it during lockdown but it's kept at my parents and was outside the travel restrictions, maybe I should get it done now.
Back to the OP topic, I always soak with Hoppe's No.9 overnight and get a light green/blue indicator, so there must be some copper solvent in it. I had some Hoppe's Benchrest and that removes copper. I ran out a while back and no shops have it here.
I really like Hoppe's followed by JB Bore paste, dose a great job combo.

Deer season is over so I'm cleaning the guns to go back in the safe. I've used products like Butch's Bore Shine or Kroil with JB Bore Paste to get out everything including copper, but I always have to shoot a box of ammo to get accuracy back.

This year I'm going with good ole Hoppes to get the fouling out and maybe a smidgen of copper, but I'm not going for bare steel.

Anyone clean their hunting rifles with just Hoppes?
I never clean down to bare metal. I haven't found it to be necessary to reach the accuracy I require for my hunting. In my 6.5 PRC I easily achieve 1/2 MOA or less if I'm on so its working for me. I normally use Bore Tech Carbon Remover and then a few passes of Eliminator. Occasionally I will clean a little with Bore Tech copper.
Repeating in order to clarify my reply (#6). Hoppes #9 is not a copper solvent, and is not effective at removing copper fouling. If you are targeting the copper in your bore you can use a solvent with ammonia (Butch's, Shooter's Choice, Sweets 7.62), but follow label directions closely or you risk damaging the bore.
Hoppes Benchrest 9 removes copper fouling and even badly fouled bores but it requires the overnight soak, IME. Sometimes more than once.
In the 70's and 80's I used Hoppes #9 for my barrel cleaning, as I did not know much about cleaning a barrel. Never had a carbon ring or any barrel fowling problem. My factory varmint rifles with handloads would average .4-.5 MOA. Now in the 2021's I'm much more educated when it comes to barrel cleaning. I use Bore Tech Elimanator for general use and Cu2 for copper and C4 for carbon along with a bore guide , proper brushes and JB, Kroil and Sweets 7.62 when the need arises. The only problem is I'm still at .4-.5 MOA with my factory varmint rifles. Thinking I may have known more in the 70's and 80's than I realized..
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Wipeout Patch out for the cooper. You can leave it in the barrel overnight with no fear as it does not have ammonia. It removes copper very well. Only thing you have to watch is don't get it on your stock finish as it will mark or discolour quite a few of them, especially oil finished walnut.
For cleaning Carbon I still use regular Hoppes 9. I also use it to wipe down all blued surfaces and as a lube on the bolt and trigger parts as it doesn't gum up or get thick at -45. We don't have much humidify here so it protects the bore and blued barrels just fine.
Hoppes cologne, candle and truck air freshener?
Muddy, look in the bathroom. Chances are great that the Mrs. has installed one of those scent thingies that use a bottle with sticks sticking out of it. Pour it out and replace the liquid with good ole #9. Now, when she goes in there 2 things will happen.
1) she won't take as long
2) the lingering hairspray and perfume smell will no longer gag you.

Refill when she is NOT in there.
Muddy, look in the bathroom. Chances are great that the Mrs. has installed one of those scent thingies that use a bottle with sticks sticking out of it. Pour it out and replace the liquid with good ole #9. Now, when she goes in there 2 things will happen.
1) she won't take as long
2) the lingering hairspray and perfume smell will no longer gag you.

Refill when she is NOT in there.
She has one of those refillable warmers that plugs in. Hoppes in there could wreak havoc!! Yeah, with me🤪
I also used Hoppes growing up and didn't know the difference until I tried some of the newer products…….Boretech Eliminator and Boretech's Copper and Carbon removers and occasionally Wipeout are all use now!
Ditto on Bore Tech Eliminator used with their jags to eliminate false positive blue from brass jags.

The old Hoppe's did smell great though. And my wife loved the smell too unlike some other wives mentioned.
I got a couple bores soaking over night with Hoppes. I've already got most of the fouling out with a good Tipton bronze bore brush and some Hoppes. Over night soak will get that little extra carbon out and some copper streaking as well. Good thing is it won't remove so much stuff I have to shoot a box of ammo to get it shooting right again.
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