Good Bye

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Up until now I had not intended to go anywhere, but it appears that it is being hinted at that I am not wanted or need here as I have been removed from the moderator list. Perhaps this being done to gain more control of the board? I'm not sure where I stand here anymore so I'm sure my contributions will be limited at best from here on out....
Man, i remember Darryl in Dan Lilja's chapter in one of the PS Annuals years ago. I always considered you sort of the Big Brother on this forum....
Butch what gives? I hope you know something I don't. If they do get a site up and runing where we going to get there site address? I feel like someone in the family died.

I never did find out what the hell a
6.5 Heaton is ??

I hate to see anybody at odds with one another but to each his own , hopefuly their won't be any hard feelings and everything will pan out.
Now what in the hell did I miss?
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