Going elk hunting

You should use the bullet is most accurate out of your rifle. A bullet that is designed to perform on heavy game like elk. Lots of excellent choices these days!
I'd shoot one of two bullets, the heaviest Hammer bullet you can stabilize or a Berger 156, both are most excellent on elk!!
At the end of the day shot placement is everything so use the bullet that shoots best. Ive seen a bull take 3 (poorly placed) shots from a 300 rum shooting 180 grain sciroccos and walk away and ive seen bulls get dropped dead in their tracks from bergers.
"Deer" :oops:?? That's a once-in-a-lifetime trophy in my book. I've got a beautiful Red Stag myself and it is one of my most talked about mounts. On this side of the pond, many ask, "what's that?".

I used a 160gr Accubond from a 7WSM at the time.
Thanks Varmint Hunter, I was pretty excited from the moment I first glassed him and started stalking in. And I couldn't get any closer! I like the 160gr AB in 7mm too, it's an ideal deer bullet.
Hint, instead of being there opening day, go the last week in the season. The elk will be low in the pastures with the cattle and you will see many more. Greenhorns want opening day. Those that do it every year wait till they are low, drive out to BLM, shoot over the truck, drive out and put it in the freezer.

Heavier Nosler for me.
Hint: most places in the West it is not legal to shoot across or within 100 ft. of ANY road. Boo on truck hunters unless they're disabled... Get out there and hunt!
Hint: most places in the West it is not legal to shoot across or within 100 ft. of ANY road. Boo on truck hunters unless they're disabled... Get out there and hunt!

In Pennsylvania it is, or at least was, legal to shoot across a roadway providing that the projectile didn't interfere with traffic. At the Williamsport 1,000yd benchrest range, all firing is done over a short road that can not be seen (or hit) from the firing line.

Just some interesting facts.
In Pennsylvania it is, or at least was, legal to shoot across a roadway providing that the projectile didn't interfere with traffic. At the Williamsport 1,000yd benchrest range, all firing is done over a short road that can not be seen (or hit) from the firing line.

Just some interesting facts.
Yeah, well it isn't legal to use the vehicle for a rest, you can't shoot from the road, and you can't hunt from the road.
I will be loading my ammo so my question is, what bullet would you recommend for theses numbers. My concern is keeping the bullet together in flight. Your thoughts are appreciated.
I have tried several powder/bullet combos in my 6.5-300. So much so that I was afraid all my testing was going to shoot out my barrel before I even hunted it. After testing the 120 Etip, 140 partition/accubond/VLD, 142 ABLR, and 156 VLD, I decided to stick with the 127 LRX...which is the same bullet most 6.5-300s seems to shoot the best for accuracy and velocity. I'd start there with US869 or H50BMG.
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