Firstlite Gators?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2012
Anybody have any experience with the firstlite gators? Brambler or Traverse? I'm in Arizona and don't hunt in the snow much so not sure if the heavier Brambler's would be necessary.
I've used the Bramblers since 2016. I use them for wet/snow and also for dry brush. They're rugged and I've been pleased with them. They're easy on/off, as they're split up the front with hook & loop. I haven't tried the Traverse.
I hunt Alaska, Colorado, and Wyoming on a regular basis for the past 30 years. I work all winter long almost every day in the field in Colo....never wear gators in snow or when it's wet. Never use gators even in snow! Sometimes I may wear tall rubber boots if it's super wet and I'm crossing shallow creeks and not hiking super long distances.

Rain pants do the job for me. Gators are just one more thing to haul around. I almost always have rain pants in my pack....why haul both rain pants plus gators? If you have waterproof boots plus rain pants you really don't need gators. If you sit down to glass with gators on and it's wet your butt will end up wet without rain pants! In many situations I don't wear gators or rain pants when there's a little dew on the ground. My lower pant legs on my quality kuiu or sitka pants dry super fast in most situations once the sun comes out....especially if there is a breeze.
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