First time suppressor owner

I have the Omega 36. Originally, I was planning to use direct thread to save weight. At the range, the ASR makes it super convenient to swap between guns. The single port ASR brake only adds a couple oz over direct thread. The ASR system has grown on me and seems to be worth the trade off of the added couple oz. The single port is quite a bit cheaper than the 3 port if you don't need a bigger brake.

I've only tested the repeatability at 100 yards. With my best gun, it was stacking bullets so it appears to be GTG.
I use both direct thread and quick detach. I have a SilencerCo Hybrid 46 and TB Ultra7 CB in ATF jail. The muzzle devices are expensive and heavier than DT. I like to zero with the suppressor on, but then also know the change to impact with it removed for Kentucky windage.
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Hello everyone. First time suppressor owner and I just received it. I purchase a Siencerco Omega 30. I know I have the option of direct thread or using a muzzle brake. I have three custom rifles cambered in 6.5PRC, 300wsm and 7wsm. I would like to run it on three long guns. I have read that POI can change with suppressors. Just want to know which option is the best for these type of rifles. These are dedicated hunting rifles. thank you
Two of my hunting rifles have dedicated Omegas and are direct thread. Two have dedicated MG7 6.5's and are direct thread. I never used the mounts and don't care for muzzle brakes plus I can cut out some weight by going direct thread. My SBRs have muzzle brakes and Sandman S's because they are bombproof and low back pressure cans. Omegas are way too gassy especially on SBRs
I am using two styles of mounts with my Omega, The three port style on my 300Sam's and 308's etc. But use the three prong flash hider type on a short barrel 300 blackout that may be in use with out the suppressor, also note the shoulder of the quicker mounts help in keeping the suppressor straight with more hearing surface. But the way you bought from a great company, customer service is the best!
I am using two styles of mounts with my Omega, The three port style on my 300Sam's and 308's etc. But use the three prong flash hider type on a short barrel 300 blackout that may be in use with out the suppressor, also note the shoulder of the quicker mounts help in keeping the suppressor straight with more hearing surface. But the way you bought from a great company, customer service is the best!
my fat fingers! 300wsm and bearing surface.
It's just not that hard to thread them on, to keep from having loudeners on while they're off.....
Almost as fast to direct thread on each barrel. Just swap the suppressor and thread cap with the one you switched with.
Also won't blow your ears out when not using suppressor.
If I was only running three threading on not a big deal, but the brakes also help seeing impact, but use ear plugs.
I would suggest running the Area 419 setup. It might be a pricey option but it is the best setup to switch between a suppressor and muzzle brake. I have this setup for my Omega and TB Ultra as well.
I like this idea. This is what I'm going to be running as well. The brake that came with my TBAC Ultra 338 wasn't cutting it. I needed something better designed for controlling muzzle jump. No way to spot my shots with the factory mount (I don't run the suppressor 100% of the time).
I would suggest running the Area 419 setup. It might be a pricey option but it is the best setup to switch between a suppressor and muzzle brake. I have this setup for my Omega and TB Ultra as well.
I would highly recommend the area 419 setup as well. It's basically a significantly improved version of direct threading. The mounts are melonited steel but small and weigh less than an ounce. They use a long taper in front of the threads which keeps the threads clean, and the threads are left handed making it basically impossible to unscrew the mount from the muzzle or the adapter from the suppressor upon removal. You can screw the suppressor on hand tight and it won't move because of the taper, and will come off easily as well. Also the mounts are available in different thread pitches to be able to swap the suppressor between rifles with different muzzle threads.
This is the mount:
Hellfire Universal Adapter
They are only $40 and you can also purchase thread protectors for them.
The Omega suppressors have the now industry standard 1.375-24 rear threading to take various adapters for a lot of different systems on the market. This is the Area 419 adapter that works with it:
Omega Suppressor mount SS
These are also available in titanium which is what I went with. This is a very good system that will only cost $40 to make another gun compatible down the road. You can also buy a hellfire brake that works with the same adapters and you can get by with one brake for multiple rifles if you're interested in trying a braked setup. Like others have said though, once you go suppressed, you likely won't want to use anything else.
Just saw that you're getting a Sandman S as well. If I was you I would dedicate the Omega to your bolt guns with the 419 setup and use the various Dead Air Keymo muzzle devices on your AR's and dedicate the Sandman to them. You also have the option of buying a Keymo adapter for the Omega (same 1.375-24 threads) and putting Keymo muzzle devices on everything to have it all interchangeable. The Keymo brakes and flash hiders as well as the Keymo adapter are quite big, heavy, and expensive compared the the 419 stuff though and it's a little much for a bolt gun in my opinion. You'll add over an inch and about 4 oz to the omega going that route.
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