First time hunting Wyoming! Unit 46 type 1

I hunted 46 for antelope years was my first western hunt too. Get signed up for one of the two HMAs out there and you'll have no trouble at all filling your tag. Don't shoot the first antelope you see, there will be dozens more.
You got a good unit. I've hunted it before.

Pm me and I'll share what intel I have. It's been a few years since I was there but I'd be happy to help any way I can.
Getting a trespass permit for one of the two HMA's is a must and I think the Simpson Ridge is much better than Medicine Bow for antelope. You will have a ton of fun and finding animals in the Simpson Ridge HMA in the first season will not be problem.
Well 46 was a success. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback and help.
You did well . I see it was a little hazy still from the fire down in the southern part of the state at Mullen .
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