First ar build 224 valkyrie long ranger

From experience with AR Platforms, especially the AR10 and PRS gen3 Magpul stock, the Charging handle can hit the riser when fully extended. Magpul supposedly corrected this with the Gen 3, but from experience, the raptor AR10 charging handle can still be interfered by the riser with gen 3 stock. I like the raptor charging handle and have used it on all my builds due to the efficiency it has with suppressor and gas systems, so I have just modfied my risers to accommodate the problem.
I have some AR15 uppers I run on two Aero lowers, silent buffers, Elf triggers, etc
I recently got another Proof Carbon barrel, this one a 20" 224V
The Hornady 88 ELDM ammo shoots incredibly well when I do my bit
Its going around 2600 fps in my barrel
I doubt I will be able to do better with hand loads :)
I run suppressors so an adjustable gas block is a must.
I have some AR15 uppers I run on two Aero lowers, silent buffers, Elf triggers, etc
I recently got another Proof Carbon barrel, this one a 20" 224V
The Hornady 88 ELDM ammo shoots incredibly well when I do my bit
Its going around 2600 fps in my barrel
I doubt I will be able to do better with hand loads :)
I run suppressors so an adjustable gas block is a must.

Is your proof barrel the camgas model? Thanks
welcome to the club. hopefully you dont get the addiction i have. i've got AR's in 9mm, 5.56, 6.5 creed, 6.5 grendel and about half done with a 7.62x39 build. i've built them all 100% from parts, never a complete rifle. in my opinion, that's the best route so you know how they work, how they're assembled and how to fix them if something goes wrong.

it sounds like you've got some pretty good direction on everything as far as what you still need. as far as the JP silent buffer goes, i've only read good stuff about them. never shot one though. i can justify the money for one, the noise from the spring/buffer isnt bad enough that i would want to change it for $100+. i did get a flat wire buffer spring for my 6.5 creed. i'm headed out to my property to shoot tomorrow so i'll see how effective it is.

can't wait to see some pics of the completed gun!
Don't forget to do stripper camo!!!! I am starting another build also and prolly going to roll a 6.5 grendal I think.
I'll give you my thoughts....
For Butt Stock
1)Buffer tube (If not included with Stock) A Standard Rifle Length should work.
2) Buffer and buffer spring....I don't shoot the .224, but I'd read a bit.....You might want a heavy buffer in it to help slow down the bolt slam, but if you go adjustable gas block, you could probably tune it down enough.....Both these make a big difference in the 6.5 Grendel.

Lower receiver:
1) I'd buy a standard lower parts kit from a REPUTABLE manufacture, (like Aero) to make sure you have all parts needed, and than upgrade individual parts to your tastes or release, mag release, safety, ect..... You can buy these minus the trigger group since you have that already.
2) might want an accu wedge.....But check, some of the new Aeros have a bolt that tightens to remove play in the receivers.

Barrel/Upper receiver
1)-Does the JP enhanced bolt come with a bolt Carrier? If not, a bolt carrier is needed..... Again, I have bought a few different brands and as long as its quality brand, I haven't noticed a difference......Young Manufacturing national match bolt carrier is what I put in my last build.....They are heavier, and a snugger fit....I won't say it makes it more accurate, but it's a really nice bolt.
2) Charging handle.... Lots of options from standard to expensive. I have both, and really like my BMC Gunfighter in medium.
3)You will need a Gas block and Gas tube for your barrel, Make sure your one of them comes with the roll pin to connect them together. Check your barrel specs for gas tube length.....It's probably rifle length, but check before purchasing. I'd buy a adjustable gas block.....there is a huge price swing on these, but if you want a good adjustable gas block on a budget, check out Wojtek Weaponry. They are cheap and solid, but are more of a set and forget style rather than a finger adjustable between loads style.
4) Muzzle Threaded? Breaks are a total personal preference!

I hope I didn't forget anything....:rolleyes:. I usually buy a upper and lower parts kit for each build, just to make sure I have all of the little pins an bolts to finish it. I usually only add a ambidextrous safety, and sometimes a extended bolt release, to the standard lower parts kit.

I've put more than a few together, and all of them have shot to what I expected from the barrel quality.......I don't get really hung up on brands for the small pieces I just order from a company that I'm sure is quality Mil-Spec and go from there. I think most of the accuracy from an AR comes from the Barrel, Trigger, and a solid stock, so I think you are most of the way there!
You might consider Core15 upper and lower receivers. They are made in Florida and are good quality. Personally I like them better than Aero. In fact you can buy the complete lower for $159 or less if on sale. The trigger is good mil spec but I usually replace it with a Giselle or Timney two stage. You already have a barrel but a very good alternative is Ballistic Advantage. It is much less expensive than Prof but very accurate. A friend of mine is a sniper in LE. He used an 18" barrel from BA to build a 6.5 Creedmoor. It will hold a 6" group at 1,000 yards.
a 24 inch bbl like the so called testing was done with.
and 7 twist may not be enought,
have you been to the 224 valkyrie site ?

Hey guys... im in the beginning stages of getting parts to build my first AR. I bought a 22 inch 7 twist proof research carbon 224 valkyrie barrel, a jp enhanced bolt, a timney calvin elite trigger, aero Precision m4e1 builders set. Magpul prs3 butt stock, and magpul pistol grip... now i have no idea what parts i need to finish. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im looking to make this a long range varmint setup as you can tell by parts. Dont wanna buy junk parts to finish build. Thanks guys!
Tagging in, I have been acquiring parts for a .224V and have a similar parts list as the OP. Been considering the Bison 24" bbl, glad to see it shot well for someone else before I drop the coin on it.
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