My Internet business deals with a lot of European customers so I'm very aware of the VAT Value Added Tax Its imposed on goods bought by people in the EU. I's a commonly accepted practice there and in Canada BTW.
Taxes are all about supporting the government and providing entitlement programs, the unfunded entitlement in this country has reached unmanageable levels. The only way to fund that is more taxes, more taxes on the middle and upper classes because people at the poverty level are the people receiving the entitlement in the first place. We tend to forget that the end game finan cially, is 'leveling the playing field', that is, taking from those that have it and worked for it and giving it to those who didn't work for it and have no desire to. Thatt is the essence of entitlement. Basically taxiation without representation. We dumped Tea in the Boston Harbor over that very same issue long ago.
I was at work today so I only got bits and pieces of Obama's proposals but they appear to be very 'watered down' from the origibal balls out attack on the First, Second and Fourteenth Amendments.
I believe that One, there has been a tremendous amount of pressure brought to bear from letter writing by constituents (like us) to Congressional Representatives dunning Obama. Western States in particular stand to loose millions in revenue if sport hunting was curtailed or hampered by an second Amendment attack. I, for one would not want to have to obtain 'permission' from each state I carried ny rifles through on the way to a hunt out west or even consider 'renting' a gun from an outfitter because I would be prohibited by law from transporting my own rifle to hunt with. Not withstanding, even if the outfitters would be allowed to have 'rental' guns.
The implications are horrible.
I believe Obama carefully considered the Honorable Edwin Meese's statement (and others) to the effect that any infringement on the Constitution via Executive Order that imposes hardship on the people was grounds for impeachment (an impeachable offense). Thats pretty strong words coming from the former AG. Plus, from what I understand, there is an ongoing movement on the part of some legislators, both democrat and Republican, moving toward impeachment hearings anyway.
I believe quite a few lawmakers in both parties have had a belly full of Obama's shenanigans.
I have for one.
Don't back down now, keep writing your Congressmen and Representatives and Obama. We need to stand united in our views against any attack on the Constitution, not just the Second Amendment.