Finally got my 2016 pronghorn back from the taxidermist! PICS

So I drew another buck tag for the 2016 season (I live in Wyoming) and I wanted to get a buck that would score over 80, because I had seen so many of them. So after hunting for 3 days, and passing up around 150 bucks, I finally spotted one I thought would do.

My father was with me, so I had him do the spotting. While trying to get closer we bumped the pair of bucks from around 200 yards, but after seeing him that close I knew he was an 80+" buck. So we backed out a little, regrouped, and got onto them again. They went down into a dried pond, and we got set up for a shot at 876 yards. I dialed for wind that I thought was there, and sent it. Well, I was off on my wind call, but not horribly, my shot was a little far back. He ran about 50 yards and stopped, I dialed my wend down, and sent another that went through the top of the heart.

Well then I took him to the taxedermist, since he maded my requirements at 81-3/8 green score. Unfortunately, my taxedermist broke his back a few months after starting my goat. He said he wanted to finish unless I didn't want to wait, and I told him I was willing to wait.

So fast forward to a few days ago....he calls and said it was finished!! So for my birthday, I got to pick up my pronghorn, which dry scored 80-6/8's. It came out beautiful, and was certainly a great memory. View attachment 98690 View attachment 98691 View attachment 98692 View attachment 98693
Nice good looking mount
So I drew another buck tag for the 2016 season (I live in Wyoming) and I wanted to get a buck that would score over 80, because I had seen so many of them. So after hunting for 3 days, and passing up around 150 bucks, I finally spotted one I thought would do.

My father was with me, so I had him do the spotting. While trying to get closer we bumped the pair of bucks from around 200 yards, but after seeing him that close I knew he was an 80+" buck. So we backed out a little, regrouped, and got onto them again. They went down into a dried pond, and we got set up for a shot at 876 yards. I dialed for wind that I thought was there, and sent it. Well, I was off on my wind call, but not horribly, my shot was a little far back. He ran about 50 yards and stopped, I dialed my wend down, and sent another that went through the top of the heart.

Well then I took him to the taxedermist, since he maded my requirements at 81-3/8 green score. Unfortunately, my taxedermist broke his back a few months after starting my goat. He said he wanted to finish unless I didn't want to wait, and I told him I was willing to wait.

So fast forward to a few days ago....he calls and said it was finished!! So for my birthday, I got to pick up my pronghorn, which dry scored 80-6/8's. It came out beautiful, and was certainly a great memory. View attachment 98690 View attachment 98691 View attachment 98692 View attachment 98693
Great buck. My son wants to try his luck at speed goats. Can't wait.
Real nice "speed goat"! Congrats! I've been trying for 32 years, and haven't gotten a good one yet! My wife on the other hand has gotten 2 nice ones in that time. Congrats Again! memtb
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