Favorite powder for the 25-06 Remington.

Have a Ruger 77 VT that shoots very good. I use H4831 SC and for deer 115 NBT. Varmints get 85 NBT. Very accurate loads. Also 100 gr Sierra And 75 gr V Max shot very good. As far as powder in my rifle it likes the H4831sc best.
Sako Finnlight 75 25/06 with Berger 115 vld shoots like a dream and drops deer in their tracks! My gun likes IMR 4350 the best! I've tried almost every powder, bullet, ext. you can think of! IMR 4350 @49.0g 115 Berger vld @3.235!! I uploaded a photo of a 3 shot group at my last range session!


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My tikka T3 loves the heavier bullets and RL22. I've also worked the RL22 around 100gr TTSX and those are killer on whitetails. I would recommend using the barnes if you want a mono, I've actually been seeing less and less of the etips every time I go to the store. 100gr TTSX lays 'em over nice and neat right where you shot 'em
I always hunt in the winter with IMR 4350 but use it in .300 win mag. No problems with temp. Loaded some 110 gr varmint bullets in the summer with IMR 4350 and had no temp problems. Use H4831 SC and have no problems in summer or winter. H4831 is what I use in 25/06
Dang...Nobody uses 7828 SSC? Yall are missing out with the heavies...

I have tried it in my 25-06AI. I found it to be way to temperature sensitive and no where near as accurate as H1000. The H1000 Delivered the best ES and groups. I know this is almost the opposite of what you found. I will probably never try 7828 again. The pressure spikes were huge and instant depending on temperature. I am in Southern Manitoba and we shoot in -30C to plus 25C (70-75F). I found that the 7828 could not handle these temperature swings.
I have tried it in my 25-06AI. I found it to be way to temperature sensitive and no where near as accurate as H1000. The H1000 Delivered the best ES and groups. I know this is almost the opposite of what you found. I will probably never try 7828 again. The pressure spikes were huge and instant depending on temperature. I am in Southern Manitoba and we shoot in -30C to plus 25C (70-75F). I found that the 7828 could not handle these temperature swings.
That is strange... Funny how 2 different people in 2 different climates have the same experience with 2 opposite powders like that. I had the same happen with H1000, plus for some reason (might have just been a bad couple of lots in that time-frame) my lot-to-lot consistency was horrible. I might give it a go and see if I can get H1000 to shoot in my '06 based calibers, since it didn't do very well in my magnums. If I can get it to work, that would be nice so I can use up the 4 or 5 lbs I have just sitting on the shelf.
Keeps it interesting that's for sure. My 25-06AI likes 60 gr of H1000. Showed a bit of pressure at 61.5 gr. Speeds are great at 3350 out of a 26" Krieger with a 115 Berger. I shoot H1000 in my 300 RUM and a 300 WIN MAG. Works awesome in both with 215"s.
Keeps it interesting that's for sure. My 25-06AI likes 60 gr of H1000. Showed a bit of pressure at 61.5 gr. Speeds are great at 3350 out of a 26" Krieger with a 115 Berger. I shoot H1000 in my 300 RUM and a 300 WIN MAG. Works awesome in both with 215"s.
My .25-06 AI is really liking around 60gr of 7828 SSC with the 115 Bergers. Haven't finalized my load yet, so I haven't chrono'd it. I'm using a worked-over Sendero SF .25-06 barrel on a trued up stainless 700 action.

That's why I tried the 7828 in mine. It worked so well in all my magnums, I figured if I could get my loads worked out sort of "universally" down to 2 to 4 total powders for everything I shoot, it would simplify things in an emergency situation. Also, I can ALWAYS find 7828 SSC in my local store, at all times.
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