Lots of food & family! Growing up, hunting was always a tradition on Thanksgiving morning. Here in Texas, it's traditionally around this time that the rut peaks. Grandpa and Dad both got a B&C scored deer in South Texas on Thanksgiving morning when I was a kid. I'll never forget that day. Grandpa is gone now, and dad says he's too old to hunt (but he'll still show up for the vittles!) so my buddy from Montana is down this year and we will be in the blinds early in the morning and maybe in the evening if we are still awake! There's a big 8 hanging around that I'd like him to get before he goes home. Circumstances didn't allow me to make my Montana pilgrimage this year for Mulies but we are going to have a great holiday anyway! 4 Generations getting together for food and fellowship. Can't wait! Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Be safe.