Fair price for Reloader 26 powder?


Active Member
Apr 21, 2024
What's a fair price for Reloader 26 right now? I have 7+ pounds left in a keg that I was going to sell to someone locally, and I want to be fair with the price.

I have an idea in my head, I just wanted to fact check myself.
Funny you mention Gunbroker, I checked there trying to get a starting point and I didn't even see any listed. I figured I'd take whatever I saw it listed for on Gunbroker, and ask for 90% less. I could probably still cover my mortgage for a year! lol
My dilemma is often that I don't want to feel like I'm gouging, but I may want to sell something for the current seemingly high market price to pay for something that has also gone up exorbitantly, hoping to come out about even. If selling on the open market and I sell it for what I paid for it 5-10 years ago, what is to stop someone from buying it, doubling the price and reselling it.
How about current value of money vs value of money when I bought it?
Lots of discussion could be had on the subject.
Ask what you paid -1/2 pound.

If you recently purchased ask for that to make your money back.

If purchased before all the craziness, ask for that.
Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF
Last I paid at lgs was $80/lb. That was a couple of months ago before they announced that they were not making any for consumers.
The problem for me would be the "open 8#er". Without knowing how it was stored or used, it can be suspect. I got an 8# H1000 from a guy with 6# in it, and it is 80fps slower than every other H1000 bottle I have ever used. I have used probably 500# of H1000 over the last 15 years. 1# & 8#.

If it were seven sealed 1#, I would bet you could get $100/lb as soon as you posted it. But asking $80/lb would be reasonable and fair. I still bet people will jump on it for $700?

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