factory accuracy?

If you have your gunsmith true up the action and headspacing, and clean up the chamber. And have him hand-lap the bore on your factory barrel, you will have a much better chance of accuracy than if you shot it right out of the box, for only about $150-200 worth of work.

And if that barrel doesn't shoot, then you have already done steps 1-3 (true action, bed action, float barrel) towards a custom build, and all that's left is to thread and chamber a blank.

This is an excellent tip...I was just relaying to the original OP what most would probably say for out of the box accuracy with no mods. I think all these brands are great and will mostly shoot great out of the box.
This is an excellent tip...I was just relaying to the original OP what most would probably say for out of the box accuracy with no mods. I think all these brands are great and will mostly shoot great out of the box.
I've had 1 factory Remington 700 that wouldn't shoot (honestly, might have just been the ammo the guy gave me), and it was an old used stainless BDL .338 WinMag. It got rebarreled very quickly. Reason being, number 1, I'm not a .338 fan. Number 2, .338's are overkill for any game around these parts. And 3, I got it so cheap, and the rest of the pieces went to other builds and other guns, so everything was utilized, except the factory barrel, which later got sold. So, I wasn't worried about how it shot.
I have several Remingtons, one Browning and one Savage. All of the Remington's shoot well, the browning shoots better. Now I will add an important factor here. All of those guns I bought and used before I reloaded. So factory ammo was all they saw.

The savage is a LRHunter hay I bought a few years ago and it by far shoots the best. But I also hand load for it. It's hard to call it a fair comparison like that, however I don't believe the other guns would shoot better with hand loads. The savage shoots one hole at 100 and around 1" at 500.

You should bring that gun to the shooting matches an win money in the factory class if what you say is true ? We all would like to see that gun shoot...
You should bring that gun to the shooting matches an win money in the factory class if what you say is true ? We all would like to see that gun shoot...

I don't even know of any matches around me. Only range I know of here longer than 100 is in the eastern panhandle about 4 hours from me. Gunwerks does a long range shooting school thing there once a year.

My friend sold his house that had the 1100 yard field we shot in. Now I'm looking for a place to shoot. Have considered driving to that range but I just can't justify 7-8 hours of driving to shoot some steel.

Edit* I also don't see how people are even finding enough supplies for matches. It has taken me 4 months to find enough supplies for hunting season.
I don't even know of any matches around me. Only range I know of here longer than 100 is in the eastern panhandle about 4 hours from me. Gunwerks does a long range shooting school thing there once a year.

My friend sold his house that had the 1100 yard field we shot in. Now I'm looking for a place to shoot. Have considered driving to that range but I just can't justify 7-8 hours of driving to shoot some steel.

Edit* I also don't see how people are even finding enough supplies for matches. It has taken me 4 months to find enough supplies for hunting season.

Google groundhog matches or benchrest shoots, accurate shooter
I don't even know of any matches around me. Only range I know of here longer than 100 is in the eastern panhandle about 4 hours from me. Gunwerks does a long range shooting school thing there once a year.

My friend sold his house that had the 1100 yard field we shot in. Now I'm looking for a place to shoot. Have considered driving to that range but I just can't justify 7-8 hours of driving to shoot some steel.

Edit* I also don't see how people are even finding enough supplies for matches. It has taken me 4 months to find enough supplies for hunting season.

How are you having problems finding supplies for hunting season?
I would have to go with the Savage for out of the box accuracy. I have LRH in 6.5-284, LRP in 260, and a Predator in 22-250. I did have to clean up the barrel channel in the LRH and Predator to fully float the barrels. All three will shoot .25-.5MOA 5 shot groups. While not formally a catalog item, I have owned four Remington Milspec 700's over the past several years....three 308's and one 300WM. All four shot under .5MOA out of the box with factory ammo, better with handloads. Paid under $1100 for them. Only tuned or replaced the triggers. The new MarkX trigger is junk IMO. The target shown is my Savage LRP 6.5-284 at 500 yards.


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a sako 85 heavy barrel, a sako long range , a sendero, a remington 40x; a remington long range, a savage LRP. not all are less than 1000. you get what you pay for. the cheapest way to an accurate rifle is to re-barrel a rem 700 with a krieger or equivalent.
LRP's are too heavy in my opinion. I have put several rounds through a 260 LRP and I don't like it. It is accurate... shot .75 MOA with factory 130 grain ammo and .3 with handloaded 140 vld's. I prefer a savage 110-116 with varmint contour or just rebarrel the savage 110 series rifles with a heavier contour barrel then the sporter weight.
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