Well-Known Member
That's not what they said. For true statistical significance you need 35 shots or there about. After that they didn't see statistically significant change. And they tested 50, 100, 250 shots etc.According to their advice, one could shoot out a barrel before you had enough data to make a decision. Secondly, if what Big Red says is true…how come their are thousands of high quality successful shooters who get enough data from their limited sample sizes to be "Top Guns?"
Yes, I have seen the podcast. My take away is this. Dont think you have a successful load after 20-50 rds down the tube. Shoot 100-150 rds and then make a decision.
They said they pick a charge about 1 grain under max and shoot 20. If in 20 you're not shooting something that's sufficient you already know it's not going to work for you. If it's working 35 will give you best statistical data to know the load. If after 20 they would change things. Powsder or Primer generally made biggest impacts. Lower charges showed less dispersion which is why they basically picked the charge under max. They said depending on how the load shot you would definitely know even by 10 shots if it wasn't going to work.
I had my doubts about their method, but I tried it, and I haven't chased my tail finding variations between shooting days as when I loaded 5 shot ladder teats. And going back to verify etc. not saying it's the only way, but it worked for me and has helped make a difference. Thinking statistically just made sense to me, they alsosaid if something works for you great. Just sharing what they had found