Ever find a shotgun while hunting?

Years ago a bud and I were rabbit hunting in the mountains near Gold Hill, CO. We spotted a Subaru in the snow with the tailgate open. Thinking it had been stolen, we walked up to it. I moved around to see the driver's side. A body with most of the head missing leaning against the door and a lever gun between the legs! We immediately headed into Gold Hill and called the sheriff!
Awful sight! Had nightmares for years.
Sadly his mother called me a couple of times (I guess my name and number were on record?) crying and saying "my son didn't commit suicide!" Rather upsetting for me too.
That's a terrible way to end a hunt. Sorry for the gents that found it, had to be an awful experience. How could you ever get that sight out of your head?
When my brother was 16 he was hunting in the woods and smelled something awful. He started looking around and found a dude dead by suicide in a lawn chair next to a half drank 30 rack. His story about it haunted me for ages and I never even saw it. I'm sorry you had to see that; folks shouldn't see that sort of thing.
I know a fella that had a hard time getting back into the woods because when he was 16 or 17 or so he was out hunting and came upon the remains of a man who had hung himself out in the middle of nowhere. Traumatizing indeed.
I know a fella that had a hard time getting back into the woods because when he was 16 or 17 or so he was out hunting and came upon the remains of a man who had hung himself out in the middle of nowhere. Traumatizing indeed.
I can't imagine. I would be hard pressed to go out after finding that. Some things leave indelible marks on a person.
I will keep it to "do people loose guns" question.

Yes it happens. I remember around 1978 a customer at the sporting goods store was out pheasant hunting, all day. At the end of his hunt he was exhausted, got the gun case out of the car, put his 1100 rem into it and set it on top of the car. Loaded the rest of his gear in the car and forgot the
shotgun on top. I remember helping to look for it that next afternoon with the asst mgr of the store and our friends. We never found the shotgun. We figure it fell off on the access road to the hunting grounds and someone else found and kept it.

While not an overly common thing, I think it happens more frequently than we think. We probably just don't hear too much about it because who wants to be that guy that says "anyone find my shotgun somewhere out in the woods?"
I knew of a family years ago that had bought a ranch in Montana. The son was goofing off in a small cave and unearthed an antique Colt 45. It was cleaned up and new stocks put on it and was in good enough shape to be fired.

My late grandfather was exploring a cave in Utah and found an Indian quiver with three arrows in it.

I wish I knew the true story behind both of those instances.