I discard his videos entirely and don't burn my time on them. While he might be handing out useful advice once in a while, it's not worth my time to sort out the wheat from the chaff and there's easily as much or more chaff and outright stover as there is grain.
I didn't start out discarding him entirely as a data source. He he earned that with his behavior. Skimming over the process from looking askance at his content to discarding it utterly: I saw his true colors as an irredeemable and blatant Dunning-Kruger case at the "Stop Neck Sizing" silliness and I utterly discarded him as a simple self-promoting shill as soon as he started hawking his tuner brakes in a reloading video rather than providing a single bit of useful and testable reloading information. Dunning-Kruger practitioner is just Dunning-Kruger practitioner. Self-shill is just a shill. Bad advice mixed with good advice is just bad advice. Advice mixed with marketing propaganda is just marketing propaganda.
I treat people that do paid reviews at all or that give glowing reviews to obviously and patently inferior products exactly the same as I treat Dunning-Kruger cases and self-shills. He and they have not just failed to earn the kind of trust he'd need for me to give a rat's fanny about anything he might have to say, he and they have behaved in a manner that erodes any trust I might be able to develop about his being in a position to pontificate on anything at all.
To give an example: I never see Orkan doing that kind of garbage and so when Orkan speaks I'll listen and then think critically about what he has to say and then accept or discard the information accordingly as it is dispassionately and intelligently (if sometimes impatiently to impertinently) delivered and he is not marketing at me when he provides information meant to be helpful. When someone like TiborasaurusRex speaks I immediately discard everything he has to say because (and I know this for a fact) he's just marketing at the viewer whenever he opens his mouth. When Erik speaks, he's just marketing at the watcher and when he's not blatant about doing it he's trying to assert street cred to use in a subsequent marketing effort rather than to build street cred to use in a subsequent marketing effort.
Orkan, please pardon me using you as an example as I have. You're one of the few people that lends themself well to being an example of the point I'm making.