Haven't been to unit 231 but have hunted elk. Here are a few tips for any new unit. You have already seen what google will do I use it also. Get a Forest Service Map draw your unit boundaries on it. Draw circles around all of the places where you can get a mile or more away from a road or ATV Trail. Sight your gun in before you get to the unit. You will probably only get one shot. Get high, get to the unit a few days early, get high before daybreak and glass. You all don't need to go to the same rock go to a different area. Do the same in the evening. Elk hunting starts a 0400 or so with a light breakfast and a long hike up hill in the dark. Stay in the shade keep the sun at your back and the wind in your nose. Sleep in the middle of the day stay out of big openings hunt /watch the edge of the timber. Hunt slow 1/4 mile per hour in the timber. The last hour or so spend glassing watching the edge of the heavy timber and a meadow or opening. Walk out in the dark , stay high. Back to camp a 1900 or so, up and at em at 0400 for a morning walk. Vary your locations don't hunt the same hillside day after day if you are not seeing elk, be mobile. If you spook elk give them at least two days to rest. When you are hunting carry the rifle in your hands not on your shoulder, shoot the first legal elk you see. Did I mention stay high and also have great binos, great boots and be able to hick at 9,000 feet.
I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!