You are getting some good advice from Wild Rose on "mils" too. The military guys are trained on mils while most civilians end up using MOA since that is what most civilian hunting scopes are graduated in. One system is not better than the other, it is just what you get used to.
A buddy of mine who comes out and shoots with me is an active duty sniper trainer and a long range hunter and is able to do both. When he is out shooting with me we talk in moa......... minutes, but I know he is working in mils on the military side of his shooting.
A good example of what I was trying to get across in my previous email is when he and I were shooting at 1000 yards last week. We had a pretty good wind that kept shifting a full 180 degrees. One shot it would be blowing right to left, then it would switch left to right. On one shot I hit the post to one side of the gong, he called 1 minute right
Now if I were still dealing in inches and counting clicks he would have called 10 inches right. Then I have to stop and think........ 10" at 1000 yards??....... OK now.... at 1000 a click is how much?? oh yeah....... it's 2 1/2 inches so 2 1/2 and 2 1/2 is 5. 5 times 2 is 10........ Now I got it! I need 4 clicks!!!
Instead, thinking in MOA, 1 minute right....... I simply reach up and dial 1 moa left into my scope. No thinking, no fuss, done in about 2 seconds and ready to shoot again.