I always recommend good Pillar and Glass bedding no matter the rifle unless it is completely factory. With a factory 10 twist barrel, factory spec'd stock, and a factory chamber, there are too many variables that "could" be affecting accuracy to expect one solution to change accuracy from 1.5 MOA to sub-moa.
Theoretically you could glass bed, change action screw in pounds, and ensure all parts are fitted correctly and still have issues due to your load. I recommend before you go through all that work, be sure your rifle is optimized for the best load.
Find the load that you get the absolute best groupings. Then once you have the absolute best group possible with the ammo's tested, go into all the other "issues" that my increase accuracy until there are non left. Go one by one and tighten your groups. Your rifle will then be as accurate as it can be without changing the barrel.
Changing the barrel will get you a significantly better barrel and a better chamber which could be an expense that will not be optimized unless you plan to hand-load. If you do change the barrel after all the work above, you will need to start over in finding what load the rifle likes which is the funnest part!
Wanna do it one time and one time only? Change the barrel, accurize the action, custom fit the stock with quality pillars and bedding, hand-load and turn the rifle into a tack driving badass.