Effect of Suppressor on Hand Loads


Aug 19, 2024
The free state next door to the commie state
I'm not in the suppressor game yet, but seriously considering it and I have some questions:
1) Is it okay to have one suppressor for use on a bolt gun and for a gas gun? Are suppressors even designed for those considerations?
2) I'd like to suppress my 7mmRM bolt action hunting rifle and my 6mmARC gas gun. Will one suppressor work for both?
3) I hand load all of my ammo. I've read that a suppressor will cause more pressure and fouling in gas guns. Will I need to reduce my loads when running the suppressor, or will closing my gas block a bit more do the trick?
That's about it for now, but as the conversation progresses, I'm sure more will come up. Thanks in advance.

I forgot to mention, I've looked online, but I'm tired of everyone just telling me why THEIR's is the best and why I should buy it. I want to know long term effects on my rifles. I'm not even looking at make and model yet.
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One will work for both, but they make flow through suppressors for gas guns that don't have as much gas coming out of the ejection port into your face. Generally these don't suppress quite as well, so it's nice to have 2.
Generally you'll need to turn the gas down a bit with a suppressor.
There are no long term effects on a rifle other than you'll likely shoot them more.
I'm not in the suppressor game yet, but seriously considering it and I have some questions:
1) Is it okay to have one suppressor for use on a bolt gun and for a gas gun? Are suppressors even designed for those considerations?
2) I'd like to suppress my 7mmRM bolt action hunting rifle and my 6mmARC gas gun. Will one suppressor work for both?
3) I hand load all of my ammo. I've read that a suppressor will cause more pressure and fouling in gas guns. Will I need to reduce my loads when running the suppressor, or will closing my gas block a bit more do the trick?
That's about it for now, but as the conversation progresses, I'm sure more will come up. Thanks in advance.
What @akmtnhnt said. I have 3 suppressors, one dedicated to my AR-10 in .308 Win.
I forgot to mention, I've looked online, but I'm tired of everyone just telling me why THEIR's is the best and why I should buy it. I want to know long term effects on my rifles. I'm not even looking at make and model yet.
LOL! Yep, I know what you mean. None of mine are on their list, but I wanted to support small businesses and made-in-Montana products, so I went with Eliteiron and Rex Silentium. The good thing is, whatever brand you decide on later, you no longer have to wait that long. Good luck!
I caution you against buying a suppressor…it is hard to stop at just one. 🙂 All kidding aside…Yes, one suppressor will work for both rifles. If you only want to buy one suppressor get one specifically suited for gas gun and use it on both rifles. That's is how I started my suppressor collection. For gas guns I think it is better to use a suppressor with some sort of locking mechanism to prevent loosening. Especially if you are going to have rapid rates of fire. IMO you will be probably be better served with two different suppressors

A TBAC Magnus S or a Dean Air Nomad LTi XC or something similar would be great for a bolt action hunting rifle. Not the quietest but they are short and lightweight, and they reduce the sharp crack of the rifle. Whatever brand you settle on definitely get a one made of titanium to save weight.

I mentioned these particular brands/models because I have experience with them, not because I am pushing them as the best.

A gas rifle with a suppressor will definitely run much dirtier, there will be carbon everywhere. It is not necessary to reduce your loads, adjusting the gas block to get the proper ejection pattern (3-4 O'clock) will do the trick.
While it was sufficiently covered above, I just wanted to restate that Semi-Auto rifles are the hardest to suppressor (noise reduction) because of the blow back that makes the rifle function is deliberately absorbed to some degree with a suppressor. So, as stated above, if you are committed to only buying one suppressor right now, get one that has known good function on Semi-auto, (flow through reduces back pressure). The only point I didn't necessarily agree with was the point of getting one woth a locking mechanism. Actually I agree in theory, but have seen so many issues with friends with accuracy problems due to that QD mechanism, I would stay strictly with direct thread on bolt guns. I dont jave as much experience with that issue on ARs. Hope this was helpful.
As stated one suppressor will work for both. Just get a 30 caliber magnum rated can (most are) and you'll be fine. If you have an adjustable gas block for the AR that will be helpful, mainly for smooth function.