Eating Coyote

I kill every coyote I can, and even then I know I'm not making that mich of a dent. They hang around the deer winter range waiting for rawns to be born. When ya see one eating on a not even fully born fawn, I have no hesitation in wackin every one I see.
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I did wait until I thought I had a prime coyote. Those ya'll are throwing up look a little rough.
I know this sounds stupid but there is something about their face that just doesn't say food. I think it may be some type of instinctive aversion:eek: I think I will follow my instincts.
Even in a survival situation, I think I'd cut off my own arm and eat that before I ate one of those nasty little buggers.
Hopefully your okay.
Bears, cats, and imo, birds need to be cooked all the way through.
All the hoofed critters come off the skillet medium rare at my place!!
My friend says lions only eat fresh meat and coyotes eat carrion, sick animals, rodents which justifies his eating lions. As a side note, I will always go out of my way to kill coyotes when I see them. Everywhere I hunt has antelope and deer. With my own eyes I've seen tag numbers fluctuate as much as 1500% in antelope units in just a few years after the varmint hunters association clears a unit of coyotes. One particular unit had 2 tags in 2002, had the varmint hunts in 2003, up to 19 tags in 2009, to a high of 24 and down to 5 tags last year since the coyotes have come back. That's my reason to kill every one I see.
**** you, I'm out of elk steaks but plenty of venison and antelope meat and will just have to settle for it. :D

There's a couple of ranches that we hunt and we have a list of critters they need help controlling, coyote, badgers, porcupines, gophers (one of my favorite to shoot, aim small miss small :cool:), etc ...

Late winter coyotes, are next seasons venison! As far as smell-the first antelope I walked up on didn't give me confidence it was going to make it to table.
Ya.....what we all need......a crispy coyote salad. What dressing would go with that?
Late winter coyotes, are next seasons venison! As far as smell-the first antelope I walked up on didn't give me confidence it was going to make it to table.
Maybe it's just because I love hunting them, but I love the smell of pronghorn!! The only ones that smell bad to me are the gut shot ones.....
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