E. R. Shaw barrels

Check all the fasteners, is your parallax set up well? Swap the scope for a known good scope.
Sometimes it's the nut behind the butt. Have someone else shoot it.
Check all the fasteners, is your parallax set up well? Swap the scope for a known good scope.
Sometimes it's the nut behind the butt. Have someone else shoot it.
All reasonable. But the "nut behind the butt" can often be discerned by the bug hole that one rifle shoots on the same day as another sprays them like a water pistol, from the same shooter, same conditions, same rest.

I like to take several guns to the range including a known shooter. I'll shoot a 5 shot group from a known shooter. Sometimes that group is also shaky -- tells me either I or the conditions were suspect. Hate that when it happens, but at least you can put an asterix next to the results and note that *all loads were poor this day.

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