I'm glad your ok Dick.
My wife learned the hard way at the old Walmart in Yakima. She had put the groceries in the pickup, then turned to pick up our (then 2 yr old) little girl Bailey out of the shopping cart seat. About that time a couple migrant workers ran up to her, shoved her onto the ground, away from the cart, & took off with the purse sitting next to our little girl.
She was so scared she just grabbed Bailey, flung her in the pickup, & locked the doors & called the police.
They did nothing. Neither did Walmart, & I was building the new one at that time. You probably remember how that ended with the migrant worker, drunk, with a gun, threatening us (supt,& asst supt) because his boss didn't pay him. That guy was arrested, then let free in less than 12 hrs, cause the arresting officer didn't use Spanish during the Miranda rights...... Strange how the guy could speak English making threats with his gun, but only spoke Spanish when arrested.
It's too bad how drugs, gangs, & crooked lawyers getting them off, has allowed a neat place like Yakima to be overrun by illegals. I know the entire town/county is based on picking fruit, & farm/ranch work, but nobody seems to be able to keep anyone in check anymore, due to pollitical correctness. You can't arrest an illegal without being labled a racist. You can only arrest the legals, & other honest, hard working people nowadays.
I'll still visit Yakima, but I won't go there unarmed anymore.
My wife now carries. I always have.
Glad your ok. Maybe you can send a letter to sherrif Joe in Az. for some assistance in taking back your town.