Well-Known Member
I have seen those numbers as well BUT---always question them because there are a quite a few people such as myself who never participate in the surveys either by mail, phone or internet. Hell I have even had some of them send me cash through the mail lol. Several people that I do know will make it a point to fill out the surveys because it makes them feel better.
I did make a mistake above and it was an honest one. MB did buy back my 2000 ML55 AMG because of a transfer case module that they could not fix even – sucker would go into low range when stopped for no reason…..
To your point about union labor----the overhead structure includes the higher touch labor costs which in turn leave less resources ($$$$) for Engineering, Processes and Materials given a product that has to sell at a certain price point.
Everything is relative here because supporting the pensions and benefits of retirees at the levels they have to is still killing the big 3 in the marketplace. To top it off most of the people we are talking about are on the other side of the isle and support people I cannot. Like to vote with my pocketbook if you will.…
Wards is like the bible of the automotive industry. No matter where your plant is, it's tracked. They are the only ones who do true quality controll checks, and have a system setup that tracks them at zero miles, 10K, 25K, 50K and either 75K or 100K. Sometimes the model is so new that they can't get a check much past 10K or 25K, so you need to remember that point. They don't play with dollars or anything like that, and when they call out a spade everybody listens.
I've seen Wards do their engine engineering look thrus and give somebody the thumbs up, but then turn right around three to six months later and rip them apart. ( one that sticks in my mind was the first generation Duramax deisel engine.)
Wards does not have any alignment, and for years was big on Japanese products as well as some German stuff. But things constantly evolve, and some folks get complacent in their position. They will call you out on this issue alone. They were the ones that broke the AMG55 issues when Car & Driver and the others raved about them! I know two guys that bought them, and the first guy liked to never got rid of the thing. It averaged six months out of the year in the shop! The other guy has only had his a about six months, and I suspect it's broke as I have not seen it in quite awhile