Question for you guys, when doing load development and finding pressure, say you work up 6 increasing powder charges and find pressure on the 4th charge. How do you treat the last 2 unfired cases? I know I can pull the bullet and just dump the powder back in my keg, but do I need to resize the brass before using again? I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but I haven't run across this yet in reloading as I just started.
Appreciate it fellas.
Some folks do it differently, but I ALWAYS pull 'em and reload with the selected load.
I ALWAYS run the case through a case gauge to check, even if I don't fire it, I just do that as an extra precaution when I reload.
I don't neck size, but the neck gets sized by the expander, and then the neck gets proper size from the die. I just bump the shoulder (FL sizing), but the neck needs to fit and be within length even if it's new brass. I ALWAYS check my loaded case in the case gauge also. I have seen cases that fit before you seat the bullet, and it doesn't fit in the gauge, or it's a tight fit. I pull those also, if I find them. And finally, crimping will sometimes prevent a case that passes the gauge to fail.
I know this may seem to be a redundant way of reloading, but so far I haven't blown off my face.
Some folks only reload 5 or 10 rounds a year and don't practice at all, but I try not to be one of them. In that regard, pulling a few bullets is no big deal for me. Once I find my load, I will most likely stick with it all year or even more. I've been using a 308 load for about 10 years.