Since I have kids, grandkids and friends all spread out all over you bet I have a Facebook account. Facebook is what you make it. You can live on it like some people and have 500 friends, or you can use is sparingly like I do. It's a quick and easy way to see what friends and family are up to and it's an easy way to communicate with info you want a lot of people to see and read.
Facebook accounts can have links posted and every Facebook/ member that posted links to LRH would only increase our visibility. started a Facebook account not too long ago if anyone wants to see a shooting related Facebook account.
As a mobile way of checking in on LRH it would be WAY faster than the normal phone/browser way of checking in on LRH. It wouldn't, and couldn't, replace the full blown browser experience but as a means to very quickly see what's new on LRH it might be worth a try.
Things posted on Facebook aren't there forever as they scroll off the bottom as new posts are made but pictures, videos, links etc. would be there permanently.
Younger people tend to have different types of Facebook accounts and use it differently than older users. Like I said, it is what you make it. It would just be another electronic means of putting LRH out in the public's eye. Just my $ .02 worth.