I do genealogy for my family and can trace my roots back to the Revolutionary War. I can find birth, death, land records, newspaper articles and sometimes even pictures. But what is almost impossible to find is WHO they were what they valued what was their life like, (although from records you can guess but only guess). I can tell you where I bought each of my guns and why, I have tried to instill in my sons a sense of what they mean to me and a sense of history. I have a Civil War sword passed down through my family from my second Great Grandfather. I know it was their with my Great Great Grandfather at Lee's surrender at Appomattox. Its value in dollars very little, but to me priceless.
Yes guns are just tools, but they are a part of who we are and how we lived. The question is not do they mean something to our children, but have we instilled in our children what they meant to US, who WE are. Maybe our sons and daughters will not value them like we do but someday a grandchild or great grandchild may ask who did this gun belong to? Who was he? If you want to be remembered to generations to come write down why they mean something to you. It tells a story of who you were.
Your kids may sell them seconds after your dead but you can't control that. Most of my guns are just guns but several mean something to me and I have written down in my will who they go to and why and what was I thinking at the time.
Just my thoughts on the subject.