Do I need a 338 Edge? Sound good?

if you think you need the 338 edge you might as well go all the way and go with the 338 Lapua Improved
if you think you need the 338 edge you might as well go all the way and go with the 338 Lapua Improved

Probably not on the action he is wanting to use, not saying it can't be done. But I like where your head is at. Why not go all the way and get a .338AM, on a custom. If I was a betting man i would say the number one reason for that is cost. Maybe weight a close second.
Bravo 4 yea I would agree that he would probably have to go to stiller tac 30 and money is always an issue
Thanks for the input!

I've been wanting a 260 forever, but with the 7 SAUM I'm thinking why a 260? That's my hang up here...small or way bigger?

I'm thinking now maybe another A3 or A1-3 would fit the bill really well with a #5 338 barrel? What do you think?

Kirby I love the custom actions and the Bordine is amazing, but It looks like I've found a donor action for $425, and I think a local smith will lap the lugs, square the face, cut the threads, chamber, crown, etc for $350. Does that sound reasonable??

What do you charge for "blueprinting" and chamber and crowning?

Thanks for the input again!

If i had it to do over i would go with the custom action because when its all said and done you have a custom action that is worth what u paid for it. with the rem its still only worth 450.00 r so.
so u r loosing the money to have it blue printed. i had my 700 action and knowing what i know now i would have sold it and got a custom your way better off in the long run plus its a lot better action
What do you guys think? I'm currently working on a 7SAUM and it should be done soon. It's for a long range hunting rifle, but...

I'm thinking I need a 338 now. You all know how this rifle business buy buy.

I'm thinking this:

Rem 700 LA
Krieger #5 barrel @ 28"-30"
McMillan HTG stock
BDL bottom metal (for now)
Well a guy could get off to a good start here... .

WTS: 338 Edge - $1700 - price drop - $1500- $1300 - Sniper's Hide Forums

If I didn't already have two rifle projects underway I'd buy this one just to play with.
I saw that one WildRose, not a bad deal!

I spoke to my smith and the said if he was building from the ground up he would be inclined to go with a Lapua or Lapua Improved. That actually the route I wanted to go with a custom action, but the money thing. I guess what I'll do is save up over the short term and maybe get on started in the next six months.

I agree with him and it would be hard to get any better brass than the Lapua!

Do you guys agree?
I saw that one WildRose, not a bad deal!

I spoke to my smith and the said if he was building from the ground up he would be inclined to go with a Lapua or Lapua Improved. That actually the route I wanted to go with a custom action, but the money thing. I guess what I'll do is save up over the short term and maybe get on started in the next six months.

I agree with him and it would be hard to get any better brass than the Lapua!

Do you guys agree?
I'm not a .338 authority but in general that's the case.

Depending on your budget though if you snoop around there you'll find some pretty incredible Lapua's as well at not completely unreasonable prices considering they builds.

You could at least fish around a bit and get some ideas.

Before I commit to anything new in the realm of weapons I make sure I have everything figured out before I start shelling out the cash but I'm on a tighter budget than most long range nuts.
Obviously you all agree with the custom action thing!
Depends on the budget and if you are building a keeper or something to resell.

I never consider resale value because I very rarely part with one.... . As my wife can attest to. Fortunately while she can't really see the need for all of them she's of the mindset that you can't have too many unless you can't remember where they all are... .gun)
i went the other way.i went with the edge first and now i am wanting to do a 7mmsaum.i built the edge a few months ago and never looked back as this is one kick *** rifle.the 338 lapua and lapua improved are great rounds with really good brass so it's just going to come down to do you feel you can gain that much more with the lapua to justify the higher cost of brass.
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