the best advice is find where the nearst RMEF banquet is and go. you can talk face to face with alot of people that will give you some true facts plus there is usually a outfitter or two there also. i,ve hunted Colorado since 1987 and the only time i used a outfitter was for a drop camp. checked references from a list he gave us of people who hunted year before. everything checked out, got there a day before and stayed at his lodge and rode 8 hours on horeseback back into the wilderness. our feet were dragging in the snow up to camp, oly to find the tent caved in and everything frozen solid. had 2 choices of going lower and sleep in pack tent till he could pull that camp or ride back down and sleep on the floor and miss opening day. we decided to have a cold camp and sleep on top of about 2 feet of snow and about froze to death. opening morning a complete whiteout and all animals had gone lower. suppose to check up on us every other day, but gave us hand held walkie talkie that would not reach out to him. needless to say it was ****** experience but do to our hard work we did kill 3 elk out of 4 people. 2 small bulls and yearling cow. had deer tags and didn't even see a deer while hunting. all this for a mere $1200. if i wanted a good recommendation for a outfitter that is very reasonable look at Montana Safaries. that is who i would use if i went quided.