Dimpled brass

Yes the bullet is .002 back of the lands which does make a minimal amount of bullet in the neck. I am glad you responded because that thought had crossed my mind. Should I seat the bullet a little deeper or try increasing the powder?

I would seat deeper. You may not have much more room pressure-wise to add powder and would probably still have the same issue.

As long as you are not trying to fireform an ackley shoulder and are pushing the 270 shoulder back to the correct headspace dimension with the sizing die, I would seat the bullet into the neck so that the bearing surface of the bullet is just forward of the neck-shoulder junction(option 1).

At a minimum, I would seat the bullet with bearing surface halfway into the neck. (option 2)

It really depends on how the rifle shoots with the bullet seated deeper.

I prefer option 1, and usually have the freebore set for my bullet 0.020" off lands at this seating depth, if possible.
I could easily try option 1 since I have several cartridges loaded with my charge of 53.5 g. I would just have to screw the seating die down and give it a try. Thanks for the info.
It looks similarly to too much case lube on resizing stage. Since I assume you are noticing this prior to that stage, that isn't the issue. Looks very similar. Keep us posted!
Why are you running 53.5g of H4350 with a 123g bullet?
This seems very low to me, most of my 130g bullet loads are between 58g-61g a few powders.
How did you come up with this load?

I would increase powder and seat your bullets normally, forget chasing the lands, 270's are long throated.


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