Brass $$$

Ya...$50.00 for the buy....but I here people saying they get eleventeen firings out of the Lapua brass, and omly two or three out of the WBY.

SO what does THAT do to your $50.00 figure??lightbulb
Its a matter of what you are looking to achieve. When i do a build of what i want i dont worry about nickels and dimes. lightbulb
If you want the best 338 on that action look at the 338 Excalibur improved. That one will come near the chey-tac on your action. Jamison was making good available brass for it. With a 30" barrel you could get 3600 fps with a .64 bc bullet or around 3300 fps with a .76 bc bullet. There are some choices out there if you want to push the envelope with your action in 338 with the right bullets.
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